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3 results

  1. Deep Diving into Data Protection

    Deep Diving into Data Protection

    1979-2019 Celebrating 40 Years of Privacy and Data Protection at the CRIDS
    Book | 1st edition 2021 | World | Jean Herveg
    This book celebrates the 40th anniversary of the creation of the CRID and the 10th anniversary of its successor, the CRIDS. It gathers twenty-one very high quality contributions on extremely interesting and topical aspects of data protection.
    €113.00 incl. VAT
  2. Data Protection Law in the EU: Roles, Responsibilities and Liability

    Data Protection Law in the EU: Roles, Responsibilities and Liability

    Book | 1st edition 2019 | United Kingdom | Brendan Van Alsenoy
    Practically every organisation in the world processes personal data. European data protection law imposes a series of requirements designed to protect individuals against the risks that result from the processing of their data. It also distinguishes among different types of actors involved in the processing and sets out different obligations for each type of actor. The most important distinction in this regard is the distinction between 'controllers' and 'processors'. This book seeks to determine whether EU data protection law should continue to maintain its current distinction.
    €145.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €55.00
  3. Data Protection anno 2014: How to Restore Trust?

    Data Protection anno 2014: How to Restore Trust?

    Contributions in honour of Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor (2004-2014)
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | United Kingdom | Hielke Hijmans, Herke Kranenborg
    Privacy and data protection are taken seriously in wide circles of our society. Usually It is the scandals that make the news, the latest example being the NSA affair. These news stories create a feeling of discomfort and lead to diminishing trust of citizens in companies they deal with, in their governments, in supranational entities such as the European Union, in the law, and diminishing trust between countries. This book defines the restoration of this trust in relation to privacy and data protection as the most pressing challenge. It reflects on the state of play in the area of privacy and personal data protection in Europe and the United States at the start of 2014.
    €90.00 incl. VAT