Higher education 504 results

504 results

  1. European Energy Law Report XV

    European Energy Law Report XV

    Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine Banet

    This volume is divided into the following parts: ‘Internal Energy Market and Climate Change: Judicial and Legislative Developments’, ‘Energy Suppliers and the Energy Supply Chain’, ‘Energy Relations between the EU and Third Countries’ and ‘Energy Systems and System Security’.

    €185.00 incl. VAT
  2. European Contract Law in a Changed Banking and Financial Architecture

    European Contract Law in a Changed Banking and Financial Architecture

    Stability Design, the Common Good, and Private Party Participation
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Stefan Grundmann, Pietro Sirena

    The EU Banking Union as outstanding regulatory regime in the 2010s influences private parties’ contract law –with claims against authorities, on markets with two new mega-trends. Firstly, the common good imposes itself much more against private gains. Secondly, private parties are more involved in responsibilities for the system and with claims based on it.

    €115.00 incl. VAT
  3. Customs and Duties

    Customs and Duties

    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Kerstien Celis, Josse Verbeken

    Unraveling the complexities of global trade, Customs and Duties dives into key principles like union versus non-union goods and the nuances between customs unions and free trade zones, highlighting the pivotal roles of customs stakeholders for a seamless transition into the world of international law.

    Embark on a journey through 'Customs and Duties,' where the essentials of international trade come to life, exploring fundamental concepts like goods classification and customs value determination, each chapter serving as a guidepost through the labyrinth of regulations for all who tread in this intricate realm.

    €80.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €35.00
  4. The Road to Reconciliation?

    The Road to Reconciliation?

    Optimizing the Legitimacy and Efficacy of The International Criminal Court within The African Union and Africa
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Ingrid Roestenburg-Morgan
    The main aim of this thesis is therefore to determine whether the ICC is indeedsuffering from such a legitimacy crisis particularly within the African Union,and then by extension in Africa, and to subsequently explore and reduce thislegitimacy crisis under common identified legitimacy deficient fault lines.
    €120.00 incl. VAT
  5. Financial Management in Practice (third edition)

    Financial Management in Practice (third edition)

    How do I finance my enterprise?
    Book | 3rd edition 2023 | Belgium | Rudy Aernoudt
    In Financial Management in Practice the author discusses the basic concepts of financial management, optimal financing, the valuation of enterprises and all forms of debt financing.Also, mezzanine financing, formal and informal venture capital, including business angels and crowdfunding, IPO, are explained.A review of the Basel Accords concludes this book.- Practical approach with clarifying cases and exercises.- Glossary and solutions of the exercises at the end of the book.
    €71.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €37.00
  6. Culture and Law

    Culture and Law

    An Inescapable Encounter
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | United Kingdom | Jorge Sánchez Cordero
    One of the greatest contributions of the twentieth century was undoubtedly the expansion of the concept of culture. One of the consequences of the amplification of the notion of culture was that it permeated all social disciplines, and law was evidently no exception. Research into law and culture was somewhat belated but has recently yielded a multitude of interesting literature and relevant inquiries. This important volume brings together meditations from some of the leading scholars in the field.
    €142.00 incl. VAT
  7. Defragmentation of Law

    Defragmentation of Law

    Reconstruction of Contemporary Law as a System
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Pavel Ondrejek
    As contemporary legal regulation becomes more and more complex, the law becomes more fragmented. This book puts forward recommendations to promote the systemic nature of law. In addition to pro-systemic legal arguments, the book focuses on the foundations of law formed by underlying principles and values.
    €93.00 incl. VAT
  8. Plurality and Diversity in Law: Family Forms and Family's Functions

    Plurality and Diversity in Law: Family Forms and Family's Functions

    Book | 1st edition 2023 | United Kingdom | Jacqueline Heaton, Aida Kemelmajer
    This book presents comparative perspectives based on findings presented in National Reports on the theme 'Plurality and Diversity in Law: Family Forms and Family's Functions'. The contributions focus on whether, and if so, how, family law recognises that a child can have multiple parents, and which family functions are recognised and favoured by the law.
    €166.00 incl. VAT
  9. Enterprise Foundation Law in a Comparative Perspective

    Enterprise Foundation Law in a Comparative Perspective

    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Anne Sanders, Steen Thomsen

    Many large companies - like Bosch, Ikea and Novo-Nordisk - are owned by enterprise foundations. This book provides an overview of enterprise foundation law in six European countries and the US. The book explores enterprise foundation law in the seven aforementioned nations and analyzes how the law influences the prevalence and governance of enterprise foundations around the world.

    €82.00 incl. VAT
  10. Business Intelligence with Power BI

    Business Intelligence with Power BI

    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Sylvio Rodriguez, Jo Swinnen
    The authors not only write an accessible guide to Power BI, the Microsoft self service reporting software, they also explain the importance of business intelligence for diverse business processes. This book is the ideal introduction for all who want to become familiar with Power BI. No prior knowledge needed!* Learn how to present Big Data en KPI’s attractively and flexibly.* Use the online files to complete the exercises.* Genuine cases illustrate how PowerBI works in the real world.****Invitation webinar Business Intelligence met/with Power BI (19 April 2023 - 7PM-8PM). Register free: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4667309641061479510****
    €56.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €37.00
  11. Between Sexuality, Gender and Reproduction

    Between Sexuality, Gender and Reproduction

    On the Pluralisation of Family Forms
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Nina Dethloff, Katharina Kaesling

    This book addresses the pluralisation of family forms as an expression of the transformation of society and its normative foundations. Against a legal background, the development of diverse family concepts and practices is examined and the (severed) links between sexuality, gender and reproduction are explored.

    €118.00 incl. VAT
  12. Corporate finance (second edition)

    Corporate finance (second edition)

    Book | 2nd edition 2023 | United Kingdom | Marc Deloof, Sophie Manigart, Hubert Ooghe, Cynthia Van Hulle
    This textbook discusses the sources of funding and capital structure of corporations (excluding financial institutions). After an introduction on the objectives and functions of corporate finance, the following topics are covered: investment analysis and minimum investment return requirement, capital structure and dividend policy, long- and medium-term financing, working capital valuation, international financial policy and other specific financial topics.- The authors link theoretical insight to practical cases. - Written for financial professionals and (post)university students.
    €124.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €59.00
  13. A Comparative Law Analysis of No-Fault Comprehensive Compensation Funds

    A Comparative Law Analysis of No-Fault Comprehensive Compensation Funds

    International Best Practice and Contemporary Applications
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Kim Watts
    This book is a groundbreaking comparative law analysis of the world's largest and most mature compensation funds, impacting nearly 22 million people in the four jurisdictions of Victoria (Australia), Quebec and Manitoba (Canada), and New Zealand. These funds operate in a way that turns tort law on its head, are financially stable and sustainable, and represent a true revolution in private law. The book takes important steps to further scientific knowledge of large alternative liability systems and goes beyond existing literature in the field.
    €155.00 incl. VAT
  14. From Formal to Material Equality

    From Formal to Material Equality

    Comparative Perspectives from History, Plurality of Disciplines and Theory
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Stefan Grundmann, Jan Thiessen
    This book concerns equality in personal status - absolute, anti-discrimination - and how formal protection was superseded by material, fuller protection. It discusses history - Latin America, then the French Revolution - and disciplines - philosophy, ethics, economics, sociology, systems theory - with their diverse views and moves into modern phenomena like digitalization.
    €107.00 incl. VAT
  15. Freedom of Environmental Information

    Freedom of Environmental Information

    Aspirations and Practice
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Sean Whittaker, Colin T. Reid, Jonathan Mendel
    This book explores how the public's right of access to environmental information is being used in practice and how far these uses, and the motives behind them, align with the aspiration of furthering environmental protection that lies behind the creation of this legal right.
    €107.00 incl. VAT