Higher education 504 results

504 results

  1. Europe at the Edge of Pluralism

    Europe at the Edge of Pluralism

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | Dorota Gozdecka, Magdalena Kmak
    This volume tackles contemporary problems of legal accommodation of diversity in Europe and recent developments in the area in diverse European legal regimes. Despite professing the motto ‘Unity in Diversity’ Europe appears to be struggling with discord rather than unity. Legal discussions reflect a crisis when it comes to matters of migration, accommodation of minorities and dealing with the growing heterogeneity of European societies.
    €59.00 incl. VAT
  2. Who does What? On the Allocation of Regulatory Competences in European Private Law

    Who does What? On the Allocation of Regulatory Competences in European Private Law

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Bram Akkermans, Jaap Hage, Nicole Kornet, Jan Smits
    There is an increasing debate on the way in which the EU has developed and what it must look like in the future. This debate includes a discussion on one of the core aspects of European integration: at which level should the rules be set and who decides where the authority to do so should lie? Private law has an important role to play in this discussion. Many private law rules touch on the core of the internal market as they serve to foster trade or to offer protection to market participants, such as consumers.
    €83.00 incl. VAT
  3. The World Bank Group, the IMF and Human Rights

    The World Bank Group, the IMF and Human Rights

    A Contextualised Way Forward
    Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Willem Van Genugten
    The World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund are under substantial pressure to accept more accountability under international human rights law. This publication sets out the standards by which these international financial institutions are bound under international human rights law as it currently stands.
    €46.00 incl. VAT
  4. Faith in Public Debate

    Faith in Public Debate

    On Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech and Religion in France & the Netherlands
    Book | 1st edition 2015 | United Kingdom | Esther Janssen
    Should a politician be free to fiercely attack the religion of a sector of the population? Should he be allowed to strongly reject the culture of a particular minority group? Should religious adherents be allowed to advocate the transition from a democratic to a theocratic state? Should a satirical magazine be free to mock religious figures and practices? These sort of questions concern ‘the place of faith in public debate’ and continue to dominate public discussion that has been fuelled by a series of events, including the terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and London and the terrorist attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.
    €117.00 incl. VAT
  5. Building Responsive and Responsible Financial Regulators Following the Global Financial Crisis

    Building Responsive and Responsible Financial Regulators Following the Global Financial Crisis

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | United Kingdom | Pablo Iglesias-Rodriguez
    The global financial crisis that started in 2007 sparked several academic debates about the role that financial sector regulators played in the crisis and prompted policy reforms in the financial supervision architectures of several countries. This book focuses on the question of what accountability, independence, transparency and, more generally, governance mechanisms applicable to financial regulators can better contribute to building responsive, responsible and effective regulatory and supervisory frameworks that tackle the weaknesses of the pre-crisis regimes.
    €90.00 incl. VAT
  6. The Privatized Art of War

    The Privatized Art of War

    Private Military and Security Companies and State Responsibility for Their Unlawful Conduct in Conflict Areas
    Book | 1st edition 2015 | Evgeni Moyakine
    In the modern globalized world, so-called private military and security companies (PMSCs) are employed by a variety of actors in times of both war and peace. They are employed by, and perform a plethora of services for, not only international organizations, NGOs and multinationals, but also States. Given that there are still regulatory gaps in the national and international legal frameworks applicable to PMSCs and that the lines of responsibility often are unclear, State responsibility becomes an important instrument for attaining justice and ensuring respect for international law by private contractors.
    €101.00 incl. VAT
  7. European Yearbook of Disability Law

    European Yearbook of Disability Law

    Volume 5
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Europe | Lisa Waddington, Gerard Quinn, Eilionoir Flynn
    The European Yearbook of Disability Law reviews the significant developments at European level regarding disability law and policy.
    €107.00 incl. VAT
    Temporarily unavailable
  8. Finance and Law: Twins in Trouble

    Finance and Law: Twins in Trouble

    Book | 1st edition 2014 | United Kingdom | Ludo Cornelis
    From the start of the financial crisis in 2007, which turned into an economic crisis soon afterwards, it was obvious that public law could not prevent the genesis of this crisis. But is there also a connection between private law and the outbreak of the financial and economic crisis? This thought-provoking book shows that private law provides as many useful institutions, mechanisms and instruments against the emergence of such a crisis as public law does.
    €66.00 incl. VAT
  9. The right to health of the child

    The right to health of the child

    An analytical exploration of the international normative framework
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | United Kingdom | Sarah-Ida Spronk-van der Meer
    Worldwide, children face significant health risks. The right to health of the child offers insight into the ways in which these risks should be mitigated. However, the concept of ‘the highest attainable standard of health of the child’ as laid down in article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child remains unclear.
    €90.00 incl. VAT
  10. Multi-Party Redress Mechanisms in Europe: Squeaking Mice?

    Multi-Party Redress Mechanisms in Europe: Squeaking Mice?

    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Viktoria Harsagi, C.H. van Rhee
    The story of collective redress in the European Union up to the present day may be qualified as a story of missed opportunities and small steps forward. The editors of the present volume hope that the future of collective redress in Europe will be brighter than the past. They hope that the volume will further the discussion on collective redress in Europe by providing the most up-to-date information in the field, and that this will lead to the implementation of effective collective redress mechanisms in the various EU Member States
    €83.00 incl. VAT
  11. The Practice of Public Procurement

    The Practice of Public Procurement

    Tendering, Selection and Award
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Europe | Philipp Kiiver, Jakub Kodym
    When buying goods or services on behalf of a public authority, procurement officers must translate the buyer’s needs into tender documents that are clear, lawful, and well-designed. This guide helps them in this task. Rich in practical examples, it is written for procurement practitioners at all levels of government – from the local to the international – including drafters of calls for tenders, controllers, tender evaluators, managers who authorize public expenditure, risk managers and auditors, as well as for students of public procurement law and public administration.
    €54.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €32.00
  12. The Common Interest in International Law

    The Common Interest in International Law

    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Wolfgang Benedek, Matthias Kettemann, Koen De Feyter, Matthias C. Kettemann, Christina Voigt
    What lies in the common interest of the international community? How are those common interests protected? What is the role of states and of the international community? This book looks at the protection of common interests and shows how international law is progressively moving away from a system based on territorial sovereignty to a system based on shared responsibilities among states and other actors.
    €83.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €37.00
  13. Prevention of Genocide under International Law

    Prevention of Genocide under International Law

    An analysis of the obligations of states and the United Nations to prevent genocide at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Etienne Ruvebana
    This book studies the pivotal obligation to prevent genocide under international law and more particularly the extent of that obligation under the Genocide Convention and customary international law. The author puts forward a distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention.
    €101.00 incl. VAT
  14. State Aid and Public Procurement in the European Union

    State Aid and Public Procurement in the European Union

    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Europe | Sarah Schoenmaekers, Wouter Devroe, Niels Philipsen
    This book aims to provide stakeholders – students, but also academics, practitioners, civil servants, and consumers - with a better knowledge of the EU rules on public procurement and State aid. By treating these two legal fields in one volume, the book also intends to draw attention to the largely unexplored links and interfaces between public procurement and State aid rules.
    €54.00 incl. VAT