Book | 1st edition 2007 | Europe | Jef Van Langendonck
What is the meaning of the “right to social security” for the world of today, at times of neo-liberalism and globalization? Which entitlements can individual citizens derive from this right? What is meant by “social security”? Is it only about minimum benefits, or also about income maintenance? Does it include assistance? Health care? Housing? Social services? hose are the crucial questions that are discussed in this book which brings together the views and opinions of numerous specialists in social protection of all disciplines and from all parts of the world.
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2001-2002
Book | 1st edition 2007 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
Contributors: James Cockyane, Shahram Dana, Chris de Roy, Håkan Friman, Emanuela Fronza, Paola Gaeta, Roelof Haveman, Gerhard Kemp, Jann Kleffner, André Klip, Joachim Renzikowski, Roy Schondorf, Göran Sluiter, Taru Spronken, Jarinde Temmick Tuinstra, Larissa van den Herik, and Gentian Zyberi.
Book | 1st edition 2006 | Europe | Masha Antokolskaia
This book provides an overview of the developments in family law in Europe during the last two millennia. It aims to examine the so-called 'cultural constraints argument', which suggests that family law is unsuitable for harmonisation because the family laws of the European countries are deeply imbedded in their unique national cultures and history.
The substantive and private international law aspects of non-marital registered relationships in Europe
Book | 1st edition 2005 | Europe | Ian Curry-Sumner
This book serves as a reference tool for all those who require information regarding the substantive law rules concerning new forms of non-marital registered relationships in the countries researched, as well as for those interested in the private international law aspects of these relationships.
Book | 1st edition 2005 | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
This book contains the most important decisions of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda that were published in the series Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals.
Introduced into European Community law by the Court of Justice through its case law in the field of free movement of workers, the legal concept of indirect discrimination has evolved into one with far wider and greater relevance to many other areas of EC law as well. This book analyses the concept of indirect discrimination in a broad and comparative context, which encompasses both economic and social law.
Book | 1st edition 2005 | Europe | Katharina Boele-Woelki
This volume contains twenty-three contributions related to: (1) divorce and maintenance between former spouses, (2) parental responsibilities, (3) informal long-term relationships and (4) the revised Brussels II Regulation.
Book | 1st edition 2005 | Europe | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Bente Braat, Ian Curry-Sumner
This volume contains twenty-three contributions related to: (1) divorce and maintenance between former spouses, (2) parental responsibilities, (3) informal long-term relationships and (4) the revised Brussels II Regulation.
Book | 1st edition 2003 | Europe | H.C.S. Warendorf, Ian Curry-Sumner
This work, thanks to the translation of the rules of Private International Law in the field of family law, provides lawyers, civil servants and consular officers with insight into the applicable rules in international cases. It is hoped that this work will also further contribute to the development of an international legal discourse on the development of family law in other jurisdictions.
Book | 1st edition 2003 | Europe | Katharina Boele-Woelki
Is the unification and harmonisation of (international) family law in Europe necessary? Is it feasible, desirable and possible? Reading the different contributions to this book may certainly inspire those who would like to find the right answers to these questions.