Corporate - economic and financial law 122 results

122 results

  1. Liber Amicorum Xavier Dieux

    Liber Amicorum Xavier Dieux

    Hommage d'exception à un esprit universel
    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Belgium, Luxembourg | Gilles Collard, Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert, David Szafran, Didier Willermain †

    L’ouvrage rend hommage aux différentes facettes de Xavier Dieux, avocat, professeur, arbitre et philosophe. Il comprend des contributions dans les domaines tels que le droit des sociétés, le droit des obligations, le droit financier et bancaire, l’arbitrage, la théorie du droit et la philosophie, l’économie et l’art.

    €206.00 €144.20 incl. VAT
  2. Standard Business Contracts

    Standard Business Contracts

    Book | 4th edition 2021 | Belgium | Dirk Deschrijver, Marc Taeymans, Olivier Vanden Berghe
    This reference book brings together a number of contracts that are governed by Belgian law but drafted in English. Each model is preceded by a short introduction summarizing the most salient provisions of Belgian law relevant to that particular contract Also, in most models, different options and alternative wording are included.
    €223.00 incl. VAT
    Available shipped within 3-5 business days
  3. The Law and Economics of Secured Lending

    The Law and Economics of Secured Lending

    Book | 1st edition 2021 | Belgium | Frederic Helsen
    This book provides an in-depth analysis of both the general economic theory of secured lending, as well as the very concrete and detailed aspects of the legal framework in which it takes place, in Belgium and the United States. Legal practitioners will find a deeper economic understanding of how credit works, and answers to legal questions that no traditional, inside-the-box legal handbook will ever ask. Economists will find theory applied to, and checked by, the legal reality in which they necessarily operate, down to minute detail.
    €160.00 incl. VAT
    Available shipped within 3-5 business days
  4. A New Deal for Professional Football in the EU

    A New Deal for Professional Football in the EU

    Club Brugge Chair
    Book | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Robby Houben, Steve Nuyts
    In support of clubs and football agents applying on their own initiative high standards of good governance, this note calls for EU legislative intervention to level the regulatory and supervisory playing fields to create a true internal market for football agents and professional football clubs with acceptable minimum levels of good governance for all.
    €29.00 incl. VAT
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  5. National and International Anti-Money Laundering Law

    National and International Anti-Money Laundering Law

    Developing the Architecture of Criminal Justice, Regulation and Data Protection
    Book | 1st edition 2020 | United Kingdom | Benjamin Vogel, Jean-Baptiste Maillart
    In many cases, existing Anti-Money Laundering legislation is shaped by unrealistic political expectations and inconsistent design. This book outlines key deficiencies of existing law and develops policy proposals to enhance both effectiveness and respect for fundamental rights. This book is also available online as a free, open access resource at
    €83.00 incl. VAT
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  6. French Distribution Law

    French Distribution Law

    Book | 3rd edition 2020 | France | Louis Vogel, Joseph Vogel
    This book provides a wide-ranging review of the French rules relating to distribution: exclusive purchase and exclusive supply, exclusive and selective distribution, franchises, commercial agents, managers and sales representatives.
    €89.00 incl. VAT
    Temporarily unavailable