Book | 1st edition 2010 | United Kingdom | Jan C.M. Willems
Children’s rights and Human development is a new and uncharted domain in human rights and psychology research. This multidisciplinary book is the first to introduce this domain to students and researchers of children’s rights, child development, child maltreatment, family and child studies and related fields. The texts in this book may be used both as background readings and as tasks for group discussion in problem based learning or other educational settings in child rights law and psychology courses. The book also aims at a broader academic and public audience interested in the many aspects and ramifications of Children’s rights and Human development.
Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Desislava Stoitchkova
Seeking to address the problem of corporate involvement in grave human rights abuse, i.e. genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, this study explores the desirability and feasibility of subjecting business enterprises to regulation through international criminal law.
Book | 1st edition 2008 | United Kingdom | Hans Van Crombrugge, Wouter Vandenhole, Jan C.M. Willems
Human rights tend to focus on the relationship between individual and state: the individual is rights-holder, the state is duty-holder. Children’s rights bring a third player much more in the picture, namely parents. In this volume, child-rearing responsibilities are examined in the light of children’s rights and (other) human rights. All contributions focus in particular on the proposal to introduce an upbringing (or parenting) pledge.
Book | 2nd edition 2007 | United Kingdom | Jan C.M. Willems
The emancipation of the young child and the rehabilitation and emancipation of the deprived, exploited, abused and neglected child remain in a legal shadow land. This book intends to explore this shadow land. It introduces the concepts of the Trias pedagogica and Transism in order to shed light on the obligations and responsibilities of states and other actors in the empowerment of children, caregivers and communities.