Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | Cedric Vanleenhove
This book examines the private international law treatment of American punitive damages in the European Union. It poses the crucial question whether U.S. punitive damages (should) penetrate the borders of the European Union through the backdoor of private international law.
La Protection de personnes fuyant un conflit armé et d'autres situations de violence
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | Matthew Happold, Maria Pichou
Issues relating to the reception of asylum seekers in the EU are increasingly controversial. The Luxembourg and Strasbourg courts have taken rather different approaches. This book seeks to examine the two regimes and their interactions.
Protecting the Rights of Children Involved in Armed Conflicts
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | Bo Viktor Nylund
In a political climate that holds limited promise for addressing the issue of child recruitment, Child Soldiers and Transitional Justice: Protecting the Rights of Children Involved in Armed Conflicts challenges the trend towards a narrow focus on recruitment and use of the child, and seeks to contribute to more effective prevention and responses that offer the child a chance of recovery, reconciliation and reintegration.
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | Caroline Cauffman, Jan Smits
In numerous fields of law, ranging from family law to company law, private actors increasingly set their own rules, revert to private enforcement of those rules and choose the applicable law.
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | Jan Wouters, Philip De Man, Nele Verlinden
This book offers a comprehensive yet concise take on the legal regulation of the various phases in the complex cycle of armed conflicts, from prevention to reconstruction, and covering everything in between, in particular the vast body of rules laid down in current international humanitarian law.
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | André Klip, Steven Freeland, Anzinga Low
This forty-seventh volume of annotated leading case law of international criminal tribunals contains decisions taken by Special Court for Sierra Leone 2009 - 2012.
Special Court for Sierra Leone 1 January 2008 - 18 March 2009
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | André Klip, Steven Freeland, Anzinga Low
This forty-sixth volume of annotated leading case law of international criminal tribunals contains decisions taken by the Special Court for Sierra Leone 1 January 2008 - 18 March 2009.
Private Military Companies in Iraq and the State Monopoly of Regulated Force
Book | 1st edition 2016 | World | Nicolai Due-Gundersen
While many texts focus only on existing or proposed legislation, this book analyses the public perception of private military companies (PMCs) and how their use by states affects how the general public perceives state legitimacy of monopolizing force.
The second edition of this volume contains an overview and discussion of the historical and normative processes (legal and political) that culminated in the adoption of the Kampala Resolution on the Crime of Aggression (2010).
Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Karel De Meester
The investigation phase in international criminal procedure has so far received less attention than the trial phase itself. This book seeks to cover this gap.
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia 7 July 2007 - 26 July 2010
Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | André Klip, Steven Freeland
This forty-third volume of annotated leading case law of international criminal tribunals contains decisions taken by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia between 2007 and 2010
The 1951 Refugee Convention and International Humanitarian Law (paperback)
Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Vanessa Holzer
This book determines the international meaning of the refugee definition in Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Refugee Convention as regards refugee protection claims related to situations of armed conflict in the country of origin.
The adoption of Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security in October 2000 marked the beginning of a global agenda on women in armed conflicts and post-conflict transition. This book discusses the context and the content of this UN agenda and provides a systematic review of its implementation, over the last fifteen years, in peace agreements around the world.
Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Wouter Verheyen, Frank Smeele, Marian Hoeks
The international character of shipping and transport has always been a great incubator for harmonisation of law. Recently, there has been increasing interest within the EU in harmonisation of general private law, with different harmonisation instruments such as common core, PECL and DCFR coming into existence. In this book the possible impact of these private law harmonisation instruments on shipping and transport law is assessed.
Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Stefanie Jansen-Wilhelm
Disasters have a devastating effect on the lives of people. It is of essential importance that the response to a disaster is as effective and adequate as possible to limit and alleviate suffering. To this end, affected states can make use of offers of humanitarian assistance made by other states, international (humanitarian) organisations and NGOs. When in such cases the affected state refuses to accept international humanitarian assistance, the disaster survivors suffer the consequences.
Analysis of the Rome Statute through a Children's Rights Perspective
Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Cynthia Chamberlain
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its core legal texts from a children’s rights perspective. It examines the ICC provisions and its case law, evaluating whether these meet international children’s rights standards.