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Professional Football and Anti-Money Laundering

Assessment of the Application of the Belgian Anti-Money Laundering Legal Framework to Professional Football

Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Niels Appermont, William Bull
Also available on Strada lex

This book maps the newly-amended Belgian ‘Preventative Anti-Money Laundering Law’ (PAML) and its application to the professional football sector in Belgium, examining the goals it is designed to achieve, its primary legal implications for the football sector, and its likely effects. In so doing, this exploratory study aims to provide a preliminary evaluation of the application of the anti-money laundering framework to the sector of professional football in Belgium.

This publication is the first to provide an in depth overview of the content, requirements and obligations of the PAML as well as an initial appraisal of this extension of the PAML from both a doctrinal and theoretical perspective. Furthermore, the interviews that were conducted as part of the underlying research provide some of the first reactions and expectations relating to the extension of the PAML from stakeholders ‘on the ground’.

While this book is primarily concerned with the national context of the PAML and its application to the professional football sector in Belgium, the content of this study and the recommendations and best practices that are formulated on the back of it will be of interest to any country contemplating the extension of its AML framework to professional football, and to any football actors (particularly professional clubs, players’ agents and governing bodies) operating within those jurisdictions, not to mention interested football fans.

Prof. dr. Niels Appermont is Associate Professor at Hasselt University (Belgium), and also currently a member of the RBFA’s Clearing Chamber. He has published extensively on matters relating to both economic law and tax law, and has been awarded several research bursaries in these fields.

Dr. William Bull is Assistant Professor at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). His most recent publications have focused on the regulation of access to and the exercise of the profession of football intermediary, both from a comparative perspective as well as in the light of law and economics theory.

This study presents the results of a research project carried out for, and funded by, UEFA as part of UEFA’s Research Grant Programme, which provided invaluable support for this research throughout.

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Technical info
More Information
Type of product Book
Format Paperback
EAN / ISSN 9781839703201
Weight 280 g
Status Available
Number of pages 158 p.
Access to exercice No
Publisher Intersentia
Language English
Publication Date Dec 15, 2022
Available on Strada Belgique Yes
Available on Strada Europe No
Available on Strada Luxembourg No


  • Table of contents and preliminary pages
    Niels Appermont, William Bull
  • I. Introduction
  • II. Money Laundering and Professional Football: The EU Dimension
  • III. General Overview of the AML Framework as Applied in Belgium
  • IV. The Application of the PAML to the Belgian Professional Football Sector
  • V. Current State of Knowledge and Literature Review on Anti-Money Laundering Regulation and its Effectiveness
  • VI. Conclusion: Provisional Assessment of the Application of the PAML to Professional Football, Recommendations and Impact of the Research
  • Bibliography
  • Annex – Interviews with Stakeholders from the Field