Shaping Utopia through law
Hoe het recht (g)een antwoord biedt op maatschappelijke uitdagingen

In October 2022, the ACCA team of the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) organised the eleventh edition of the Assistentenconferentie/Conférence des assistant.es (ACCA 2022), with “Shaping Utopia Through Law – How the law does (not) provide an answer to societal challenges” as central research theme.
The issues facing society today are vast and diverse, ranging from health, democracy, equal rights, migration, peace and civic participation to climate, sustainability, digitisation and innovation. These challenges make us long for the idea of an ideal society or "utopia"; an image already put forward by Thomas More and others.
With its slogan “The world needs you” the VUB encourages everyone to contribute to an “ideal society”. Lawyers and criminologists undoubtedly play a central role therein, although this role raises various (research) questions. What answers can legal studies and the criminological sciences provide to the aforementioned issues and challenges? Is it desirable to address these challenges through a legal solution? Is there such a thing as a law-based utopia?
In this work, several researchers address these aforementioned challenges and questions in different areas of law.
-Voorwoord: Utopia en het recht: een blik vanuit de volkenrechtsgeschiedenis, Frederik Dhondt, hoofddocent rechtsgeschiedenis Vrije Universiteit Brussel
-The creation of the Garden of Eden – Can international criminal law help shape an “environmental” Utopia?, David Krott, Doctoral candidate VUB / Research assistant FH Aachen
-I can feel your heartbeat: E-health evidence in criminal investigations, Burcu Yasar, Researcher at the Centre for IT & IP Law KULeuven
-AI’s mistakes in contracting: towards a renaissance of traditional contract law?, Maarten Herbosch, Legal researcher at the Centre for Methodology of Law (KU Leuven) and FWO Flanders
-Bedreigen robots onze welvaartsstaat? Peter Vanvelthoven, Doctoral researcher VUB
-Towards a post-work “utopia”: a political and legal exercise in imagination, Anastasia Siapka, FWO PhD Fellow, KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP)
-Dissatisfaction with the legal frameworks regulating the activities of “vulture funds”; Justin Vanderschuren, Ph.D., BAEF Fellow (University of Michigan), Postdoctoral Researcher (FNRS), Lecturer (UCLouvain)
-De rol van toegankelijkheidsverplichtingen op de weg naar een inclusieve samenleving voor personen met een beperking: utopie of realiteit?, Naomi Blomme, Doctoral researcher VUB
-The functionality of non-binding measures to manage a crisis in schools . A reflection through the lens of the appreciative inquiry method on the COVID-19 measures, the Living Lab Decree and instruments used to improve educational quality, Dylan Couck, Academic assistant ConstitUGent (Ghent University)
-Le préjudice écologique: quel(s) enjeu(x) de société? , Charles Devillers, Assistant à l’Université de Namur.
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Producttype | Boek |
Formaat | Paperback |
EAN / ISSN | 9789400016545 |
Gewicht | 365 g |
Beschikbaarheid | In voorraad |
Aantal pagina's | iv + 210 blz. |
Toegang tot oefeningen | Nee |
Uitgever | Intersentia |
Taal | Nederlands |
Publicatiedatum | 12 jun. 2023 |
Beschikbaar op Strada Belgique | Ja |
Beschikbaar op Strada Europe | Ja |
Beschikbaar op Strada Luxembourg | Nee |
- Table of contents
Eline Labey, Floris Fonteyn, Anna Wilmot, Sarah El Amouri, Alexandra Gjurova, Wout De Cock, Frauke De Wael - Introduction
- Utopia en het recht: een blik vanuit de volkenrechtsgeschiedenis
- The creation of the Garden of Eden – Can international criminal law help shape an “environmental” Utopia?
- I can feel your heartbeat: E-health evidence in criminal investigations
- AI’s mistakes in contracting: towards a renaissance of traditional contract law?
- Bedreigen robots onze welvaartsstaat?
- Towards a post-work “utopia”: a political and legal exercise in imagination
- Dissatisfaction with the legal frameworks regulating the activities of “vulture funds”
- De rol van toegankelijkheidsverplichtingen op de weg naar een inclusieve samenleving voor personen met een beperking: utopie of realiteit?
- The functionality of non-binding measures to manage a crisis in schools
- Le préjudice écologique: quel(s) enjeu(x) de société?