Higher education 504 results

504 results

  1. Corruption: A Violation of Human Rights and a Crime Under International Law?

    Corruption: A Violation of Human Rights and a Crime Under International Law?

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Martine Boersma
    Corruption currently receives an increasing amount of attention from scholars and practitioners in various disciplines, including law. While the phenomenon is as old as mankind, the last fifteen years saw the rise of many anti-corruption treaties, aimed at criminalisation, prevention and cooperation. At the same time, there seems to be relatively little work done on corruption in the field of human rights law or international criminal law. This book argues that these areas of law can certainly contribute to fighting corruption, by giving a human face to both victims and perpetrators.1
    €114.00 incl. VAT
  2. The International Legal Framework against Corruption

    The International Legal Framework against Corruption

    States' obligations to prevent and repress corruption
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Julio Bacio Terracino
    It is now unquestionable that corruption has become an issue of international concern. A complex set of substantive and procedural rules has emerged concerning the prevention and repression of corruption, representing the international legal framework against corruption. This book traces tthe emergence of this framework and engages in a systematic analysis of its content, highlighting weaknesses and innovative aspects.1
    €114.00 incl. VAT
  3. European Yearbook of Disability Law

    European Yearbook of Disability Law

    Volume 3
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Lisa Waddington, Gerard Quinn, Eilionoir Flynn
    This Yearbook consists of a review of the preceding year’s significant events, as well as policy and legal developments within the institutions of the European Union. It reviews major EU policy developments, studies and other publications, legislative proposals, and case law from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
    €94.00 incl. VAT
    Temporarily unavailable
  4. Cross-Border Welfare State

    Cross-Border Welfare State

    Immigration, social security & integration
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Gijsbert Vonk
    The position of non-EU migrants in social security is problematic. Many European states reduce access to social benefits for categories of migrants whose presence is not desired. At the same time the scope of application of the national systems is becoming more confined to the national borders, as, for example, countries take measures to reduce the exportability of benefits. These two trends of exclusion and retrenchment particularly affect irregular immigrants and persons moving between Europe and developing countries who are not protected by any bilateral social security agreements.
    €71.00 incl. VAT
  5. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 29

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 29

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2006
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
    This twenty-ninth volume of annotated leading case law of international criminal tribunals contains decisions taken by the ICTY in the year 2006. It provides the reader with the full text of the most important decisions, identical to the original version and including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions. Distinguished experts in the field of international criminal law have commented the decisions.
    €225.00 incl. VAT
  6. The Human Right to Equal Access to Health Care

    The Human Right to Equal Access to Health Care

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Maite San Giorgi
    The right to equal access to health care is a fundamental principle that is part of the human right to health care. For victims of a violation of the human right to equal access to health care it is important that a judicial or quasi-judicial human rights body can adjudicate their complaints in this regard. This book analyses the justiciability of the human right to equal access to health care. It examines how cases concerning unequal access to health care would be dealt with by judicial and quasi-judicial human rights bodies and distils the elements that can be expected to play a role in the assessment of such cases.
    €94.00 incl. VAT
  7. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 28

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 28

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2005-2006
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
    This twenty-eight volume of annotated leading case law of international criminal tribunals contains decisions taken by the ICTY in the year 2005-2006. It provides the reader with the full text of the most important decisions, identical to the original version and including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions. Distinguished experts in the field of international criminal law have commented the decisions.
    €225.00 incl. VAT
  8. Pre-trial detention

    Pre-trial detention

    Human rights, criminal procedural law and penitentiary law, comparative law
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Piet van Kempen, Piet Hein van Kempen
    Although no adequately functioning criminal justice system can presently do entirely without detaining any suspects, pre-trial detention remains problematic in the context of human rights, the detainee’s family and society. This volume offers a wide variety of topics that are relevant to pre-trial detention: developments that affect the application of pre-trial detention; relevant international and national human rights standards as well as monitoring systems; pre-trial detention of specific groups, and alternatives to pre-trial detention.
    €174.00 incl. VAT
  9. Linked Contracts

    Linked Contracts

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Marco Loos, Ilse Samoy, Marco B.M. Loos
    Modern society is full of linked contracts: a plurality of separately concluded contracts that are somehow interrelated. However, contract law is still primarily centred on traditional contractual relations between (just) two parties. This book therefore explores the legal consequences of the existence of linked contracts. It thereby provides insights for practice and academia in this new phenomenon.
    €53.00 incl. VAT
  10. Social Inclusion and Social Protection in the EU: Interactions between Law and Policy

    Social Inclusion and Social Protection in the EU: Interactions between Law and Policy

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Bea Cantillon, Herwig Verschueren, Paula Ploscar
    The interaction between legal instruments and policy coordination in the field of social inclusion and social protection constitutes the theme of this book. The contributions essentially inquire whether there is any interaction at all, or if the two realms of law and policy of the EU function in parallel. If there is any sort of interchange between the two, in what areas is it taking place, and what does it result into?
    €66.00 incl. VAT
  11. Yearbook on International Arbitration

    Yearbook on International Arbitration

    Volume II
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Marianne Roth, Michael Geistlinger
    Arbitration is one of the most successful dispute resolution devices in the international arena, be it in the context of commercial disputes, investor-state conflicts, or sports controversies. This volumeI highlights inter alia emergency rules, costs, and expert evidence in international arbitration, deals with dissenting opinions in commercial arbitration, reflects the ICC's arbitration clause for trust disputes, focuses on substantive and procedural issues of investment disputes and analyses the problem of creeping expropriation in this context.
    €81.00 incl. VAT
  12. Fifty Years in Family Law

    Fifty Years in Family Law

    Essays for Stephen Cretney
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Rebecca Probert, Chris Barton
    Stephen Cretney has long been regarded as the leading English scholar in the field of family law, as prolific as he is profound. Even if the essays in this book had not been written in his honour, they would inevitably have had to rely heavily on his work. Private ordering, marriage, civil partnership, cohabitation, children, separation, divorce – the entire spectrum of family law is covered here – have all benefited from his insightful comments and meticulous scholarship.
    €88.00 incl. VAT
  13. Humanitarian and Security Law

    Humanitarian and Security Law

    A Compendium of International and European Instruments
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Jan Wouters, Philip De Man
    This book is a comprehensive and easily accessible compilation of the most important legal instruments that pertain to armed conflicts and security threats and which are of use and interest to practitioners and researchers working in the areas of international and European humanitarian and security law. It is the first compendium that methodically compiles all relevant instruments both at the international and the European level.
    €174.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €41.00
  14. International Law in Domestic Courts: Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States

    International Law in Domestic Courts: Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Edda Kristjansdottir, André Nollkaemper, Cedric Ryngaert
    This volume examines in detail attempts that were made in certain significant post-conflict or post-authoritarian situations to strengthen the domestic rule of law with the aid of international law. Attention is paid in particular to the empowerment of domestic courts in such situations. International law may serve these courts as a tool for reconciling the demands for new rights and responsibilities with due process and other rule of law requirements.
    €90.00 incl. VAT
  15. Rule of Law after War and Crisis

    Rule of Law after War and Crisis

    Ideologies, Norms and Methods
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Richard Sannerholm
    This book provides a critical analysis of past and current rule of law promotion, and argues that despite past experiences of development and technical assistance, rule of law reform in war-torn and crisis societies operates in an autonomous field where best practices and lessons learned are rarely or only superficially acknowledged. The author provides a comparative and systematic overview of how rule of law promotion has been put into effect and identifies challenges and opportunities for enhancing and strengthening norms, ideologies and methods for legal and judicial reform after war and crisis.
    €90.00 incl. VAT
  16. The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States

    The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Bruno de Witte
    Recently the ECJ has been criticized by leading politicians, national judges and legal academics for unduly extending the scope of EU law and overstepping its own jurisdiction, to the detriment of the reserved competences or (more broadly) the political autonomy of the member states. This volume seeks to address this question from a scholarly perspective, by collecting and confronting the views of leading specialists of EU law examining the ECJ’s recent role.
    €107.00 incl. VAT
  17. Reconstructing Marriage

    Reconstructing Marriage

    The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Caroline Sörgjerd
    In Reconstructing Marriage - The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society Caroline Sörgjerd explores the essence of the institution of marriage: what is the meaning of marriage today, how has marriage been influenced by the legal recognition of new cohabitation models and what should be the role of the institution of marriage in the future?
    €96.00 incl. VAT