European commercial law 9 results
Definition of Insolvency
Proposals for Harmonisation in the European UnionBook | 1st edition 2024 | World | Reinhard Bork, Michael Veder, Ben SchuijlingDefinition of Insolvency: Proposals for Harmonisation in the European Union presents the results of a research project on the harmonisation of the term “insolvency” in European instruments (Regulations and Directives). It consists of a report on the "definition of insolvency", questionnaires on the national laws of the EU Member States (and the UK), and impact assessments on the implementation of the harmonisation proposal in the laws of the Member States.
€169.00 incl. VAT -
Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain
Implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/663 in the EU-27Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Elisa Paredis, Bert Keirsbilck, Evelyne Terryn, Tom VerdonkThe EU's Directive (EU) 2019/633 aims to combat unfair trading practices in the agricultural sector. Through the Third UTP Roundtable (2023), experts assessed the Directive's implementation across Member States. Variations in enforcement approaches and legislative adjustments were scrutinized. This book includes preface, questionnaires, country reports, and conclusions on the UTP Directive's impact.
€125.00 incl. VAT -
European Account Preservation Order
A multi-jurisdictional guide with commentaryBook | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Nicolas Kyriakides, Heikki A. Huhtamäki, Nicholas MouttotosThis book gives a guidance for legal practitioners on how the EU and the EU member states’ legislation works when applying an EAPO and how the EAPO is enforced in each EU member state. / Cet ouvrage fournit des conseils aux praticiens du droit sur la manière dont la législation de l'UE et des États membres de l'UE fonctionne lors de l'application d'une OESC et sur la manière dont l'OESC est mis en œuvre dans chaque État membre de l'UE.
€87.00 incl. VAT -
Comparative Perspectives of Criminal Procedure
Book | 1st edition 2024 | Christina Peristeridou, André KlipAcross the globe, criminal justice systems face similar challenges, yet their solutions to these obstacles might differ. This book introduces the most salient aspects of criminal procedure from a comparative perspective. -
La citoyenneté européenne, quelle valeur ajoutée? European Citizenship: what added value ?
Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Aude Bouveresse, Anastasia Iliopoulou Penot, Anastasia Iliopoulou-Penot, Julie RonduTrente ans après sa consécration, le statut de citoyen européen a-t-il tenu ses promesses ? À visée académique, l’ouvrage procède à une analyse critique des acquis, des évolutions et des enjeux actuels de la citoyenneté de l’Union européenne.
€94.00 incl. VAT -
Premature Obsolescence
In Search of an Improved Legal FrameworkBook | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Anaïs MichelPremature obsolescence means that products do not last as long as they should or could. This book addresses the central question how EU and national legal rules currently tackle premature obsolescence and how the legal framework could be improved.€167.00 incl. VAT -
Modernisation of European Company Law
Recent Legislative Archievement and the Future of European Company LawBook | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Antigoni AlexandropoulouWhat has been achieved in legislating Company law in Europe? What has been implemented already? What is working in practice and what is not effective? What still has to be done?€100.00 incl. VAT -
Practical Handbook on European Financial Passports
Guidance FactsheetsBook | 1st edition 2019 | Europe | Ronan Le BoucThe book gives a holistic view of the various European financial passports as well as the development of the concept of financial passport outside of the E.U.€100.00 incl. VAT -
The Economic and Financial crisis in Europe : on the road to recovery
Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Carlos Botelho Moniz, Pedro de Gouveia e MeloThis book addresses the economic and financial crisis and the response that was given by the EU at three distinct levels. L'ouvrage concerne la crise économique et financière et la réponse donnée par l'UE à 3 niveaux distincts.€92.00 incl. VAT