European Law - Institutional 16 results

16 results

  1. Towards a New European Impetus Post-Brexit

    Towards a New European Impetus Post-Brexit

    A View Behind the Scenes
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Rudy Aernoudt
    Europe is under attack. Populism and nationalism are rampant, the United Kingdom has left the European Union and public confidence in Europe is waning. How should it move forward? With that question, the author takes the reader behind the scenes, offering unique, personal insights and positive solutions to address these issues, whilst also encouraging readers to develop their own vision of Europe and its future.
    €72.00 incl. VAT
  2. European Judicial Systems as a Challenge for Democracy

    European Judicial Systems as a Challenge for Democracy

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Elzbieta Kuzelewska, Dariusz Kloza, Izabela Krasnicka, Franciszek Strzyczkowski
    The role of the European judiciary in the process of European integration cannot be overestimated. European integration after the second world war is usually analyzed from the perspective of political decisions. However, in the public debate we very often forget how much we owe to the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.
    €72.00 incl. VAT
  3. Who does What? On the Allocation of Regulatory Competences in European Private Law

    Who does What? On the Allocation of Regulatory Competences in European Private Law

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Bram Akkermans, Jaap Hage, Nicole Kornet, Jan Smits
    There is an increasing debate on the way in which the EU has developed and what it must look like in the future. This debate includes a discussion on one of the core aspects of European integration: at which level should the rules be set and who decides where the authority to do so should lie? Private law has an important role to play in this discussion. Many private law rules touch on the core of the internal market as they serve to foster trade or to offer protection to market participants, such as consumers.
    €83.00 incl. VAT
  4. National Constitutional Identity and European Integration

    National Constitutional Identity and European Integration

    Book | 1st edition 2013 | Europe | Alejandro Saiz Arnaiz, Carina Alcoberro Llivina
    ‘National constitutional identity’ has become the new ‘buzz word’ in European constitutionalism over the past few years. Much has been written about the concept. This collection brings together a series of contributions from the perspective of both scholars and judges in order to shed some light over the dark corners of constitutional identity. To this end a threefold approach has been followed: a conceptual or philosophical approach, an approach based on EU law, and an analysis of the case-law of several European courts.
    €101.00 incl. VAT
  5. The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States

    The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Bruno de Witte
    Recently the ECJ has been criticized by leading politicians, national judges and legal academics for unduly extending the scope of EU law and overstepping its own jurisdiction, to the detriment of the reserved competences or (more broadly) the political autonomy of the member states. This volume seeks to address this question from a scholarly perspective, by collecting and confronting the views of leading specialists of EU law examining the ECJ’s recent role.
    €107.00 incl. VAT
  6. Law and Economics in the RIA World

    Law and Economics in the RIA World

    Improving the use of economic analysis in public policy and legislation
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Andrea Renda
    The use of economics in public policy, in the form of ex ante Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA), is strongly advocated by international organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank. In the US and the EU, hundreds of RIAs are produced every year to justify public intervention in the form of regulation. But reality shows that in many other countries the adoption and implementation of this tool has been patchy at best.
    €82.00 incl. VAT
  7. International Law Aspects of the EU's Security and Defence Policy

    International Law Aspects of the EU's Security and Defence Policy

    With a Particular Focus on the Law of Armed Conflict
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Frederik Naert
    This book combines an insight into the legal aspects of operations conducted as part of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) of the EU with an analysis of the status and obligations of international organizations under international law and applies the findings thereof to the law of armed conflict and human rights in relation to ESDP operations.
    €143.00 incl. VAT