European private law 42 results

42 results

  1. Legal Aspects of Contracts and Third Parties

    Legal Aspects of Contracts and Third Parties

    On Third-Party Rights, Transfer of Rights, Agency and Contracts
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Jan Biemans, Lorna Richardson

    This volume discusses the position of third parties in relation to contracts in a comparative context, focusing on third-party clauses in contracts, transfer of contractual rights after transfer of property and assignment, principal–agent relations in concluding and performing contracts, and creditor protection (actio Pauliana).

    €149.00 incl. VAT
  2. The Role of Legal Precedent in Private Law

    The Role of Legal Precedent in Private Law

    A Comparative Study
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | World | Christina Ramberg

    Precedents have become increasingly important in many jurisdictions. This book compares how various jurisdictions grapple with the problem of understanding how precedents function as a source of law. Are precedents binding, and what does “binding” entail? How are rules in a precedent identified, and are they controversial as a source of law? 


    €130.00 incl. VAT
  3. New International Commercial Courts

    New International Commercial Courts

    A Comparative Perspective
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | World | Man Yip, Giesela Rühl

    Over the past two decades, various jurisdictions around the world have created new specialised domestic courts to manage international commercial disputes. This book studies these new international commercial courts from a comparative perspective and examines their role in cross-border litigation.


    €199.00 incl. VAT
  4. Boundaries of Information Property

    Boundaries of Information Property

    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Christine Godt, Geertrui Van Overwalle, Lucie Guibault, Deryck Beyleveld
    This book is the result of a long-term comparative research project on intellectual property. It unearths the thought patterns which are culturally, morally and historically imprinted across Europe and questions the common narratives of the distinctiveness of private and public law, contracts and property, and morality and the law.
    €166.00 incl. VAT
  5. Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement

    Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement

    The European State of the Art and Future Perspectives
    Book | 1st edition 2021 | World | Jan von Hein, Thalia Kruger
    How to choose the most beneficial enforcement regime for cross-border claims of a client? A question considerably complicated by (1) the existence of various European Union enforcement tools and (2) particularities in the national legal systems that impact on the operation and suitability of the various enforcement tools. This book compares and analyses the practical utility and potential pitfalls of the 2nd generation regulations (European Enforcement Order, European Order for Payment, European Small Claims Procedure and European Account Preservation Order) and their relation to Brussels Ibis. The work is based on an extensive evaluation of case law (published and unpublished), empirical data and literature from eight Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain) and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
    €166.00 incl. VAT
  6. Immoral Contracts in Europe

    Immoral Contracts in Europe

    Book | 1st edition 2020 | Europe | Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi, Chantal Mak, Zeeshan Mansoor
    This book brings together a group of renowned contract lawyers to analyse how their own legal systems deal with twelve cases of morally dubious agreements. It explores questions of validity, enforceability and the availability of remedies, while offering crucial insights into the divergences and converges between different European legal systems.
    €175.00 incl. VAT
  7. How European is European Private International Law

    How European is European Private International Law

    Sources, Court Practice, Academic Discourse
    Book | 1st edition 2019 | World | Jan von Hein, Eva-Maria Kieninger, Giesela Rühl
    Over the course of the last few decades, the European legislature has adopted a total of 18 Regulations in the area of private international law. The question remains, however, if these efforts have turned private international law into a truly European field? The book analyses - for the first time - how 'European' European private international law actually is.
    €124.00 incl. VAT
  8. Contract Law of the Internal Market

    Contract Law of the Internal Market

    Book | 1st edition 2016 | Europe | Stephen Weatherill
    This book examines the European Union’s impact on private and especially contract law. It shows how the European Union’s founding Treaties grant it in principle only a limited competence in the field, but how in practice the European Union’s influence is broad and to some extent unpredictable.
    €71.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €43.00
  9. European Law and National Private Law

    European Law and National Private Law

    Effect of EU Law and European Human Rights Law on Legal Relationships between Individuals
    Book | 2nd edition 2016 | Europe | Arthur Hartkamp
    European law affects national private law in many ways. This is not only true for EU Directives, but also for the EU Treaties, the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and the general principles of EU law. This book explores the influence of European law on legal relationships between individuals.
    €82.00 incl. VAT
  10. The Development of European Private Law in a Multilevel Legal Order

    The Development of European Private Law in a Multilevel Legal Order

    Book | 1st edition 2016 | Europe | Esther van Schagen
    Using insights from multilevel governance and pluralism, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the development of European private law in the Dutch and German legal order. It focuses on the question whether the coexistence of national and European state and non-state actors is detrimental or beneficial for the predictability, consistency, accessibility and responsiveness of European private law.
    €150.00 incl. VAT
  11. Common Core, PECL and DCFR: could they change shipping and transport law?

    Common Core, PECL and DCFR: could they change shipping and transport law?

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | World | Wouter Verheyen, Frank Smeele, Marian Hoeks
    The international character of shipping and transport has always been a great incubator for harmonisation of law. Recently, there has been increasing interest within the EU in harmonisation of general private law, with different harmonisation instruments such as common core, PECL and DCFR coming into existence. In this book the possible impact of these private law harmonisation instruments on shipping and transport law is assessed.
    €72.00 incl. VAT