International criminal law 104 results

104 results

  1. Hate Speech Revisited

    Hate Speech Revisited

    A comparative and historical perspective on hate speech law in the Netherlands and England & Wales
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Marloes van Noorloos
    Criminal law on hate speech has become a hotly debated topic in the past decade. How to deal with hate speech in an increasingly pluralist society has become a pressing question. This comparative study deals with how ideas behind the law on hate speech and extreme speech in the Netherlands and England and Wales – including the influence of European and international law – have developed since 2001 and how this can be explained by reference to their historical origins.
    €90.00 incl. VAT
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  2. A Disrupted Balance?

    A Disrupted Balance?

    Prevention of terrorism and compliance with fundamental legal rights and principles of law - the Dutch antiterrorism legislation
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Karin Veegens
    Since the 9/11 attacks combating terrorism has gained top priority within Dutch politics. This book discusses the scope of the preventive-oriented Dutch anti-terrorism legislation and its impact on fundamental legal rights and principles of law as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. It analyses criminal liability for terrorist offences and discuses in particular the level of suspicion that is required to apply state powers to prevent acts of terrorism in light of the relevant fundamental legal rights.
    €109.00 incl. VAT
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  3. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 32

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 32

    The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda December 2008
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
    This thirty second volume of annotated leading case law of international criminal tribunals contains decisions taken by the ICTR in December 2008. It provides the reader with the full text of the most important decisions, identical to the original version and including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions. Distinguished experts in the field of international criminal law have commented the decisions.
    €215.00 incl. VAT
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  4. Procedural Justice?

    Procedural Justice?

    Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Brianne McGonigle Leyh
    In early 2006, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights called for more detailed research into the relevant international standards and national and international practices concerning the role of victims in criminal proceedings. In response to this call and the increased attention paid to victims at international criminal institutions, this study explores the role of victims in international criminal proceedings.
    €80.00 incl. VAT
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  5. International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective

    International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective

    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Iain Cameron, Malin Thunberg Schunke, Karin Påle-Bartes, Christoffer Wong, Petter Asp
    This book describes and analyses the Swedish legal rules and practices regarding jurisdiction, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, extradition and the EU arrest warrant. The Swedish law and practice in international criminal law is particularly significant for two main reasons. It is a system which is both logical and coherent. It displays a considerable Germanic theoretical influence, but its sophistication is tempered by pragmatism, designed to facilitate “user-friendliness”. Secondly, the Nordic countries, because of a common history, and shared language and cultural factors, have long had a very high and effective degree of cooperation in international criminal law matters.
    €97.00 incl. VAT
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  6. Making the Transition

    Making the Transition

    International Intervention, State-Building and Criminal Justice Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Andy Aitchison
    Making the Transition provides an analysis of processes of reform, reconstruction and restructuring in the criminal justice field in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the years since it completed a violent secession from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). Across the three sectors of policing, courts and prisons, the work details the challenges facing Bosnia and Herzegovina and explores a range of internationally-sponsored reform initiatives. These three sectors are often examined independently of each other, but by analysing their development side by side it is Making the Transition is able to determine common challenges while establishing different logics and methods of international intervention.
    €73.00 incl. VAT
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  7. The Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in the European Union: law, policy and practice

    The Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in the European Union: law, policy and practice

    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Massimo Fichera
    This book provides a critical analysis of the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters in the EU, through a detailed assessment of its most prominent instrument, the European Arrest Warrant (EAW). It conceptualises and contextualises the lack of clear vision in the building up of the area of freedom, security and justice from an EU constitutional law, as well as a comparative and international criminal law standpoint.
    €74.00 incl. VAT
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  8. An EU-Wide Letter of Rights

    An EU-Wide Letter of Rights

    Towards Best Practice
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Taru Spronken
    Everybody who is arrested or questioned by the police on suspicion of involvement in a criminal activity has certain rights, such as the right to remain silent or to consult a lawyer. This book gathers information on the way suspects in the EU Member States are informed in writing of their rights in criminal proceedings. Subsequently a normative framework has been developed based on the jurisprudence of the ECtHR to establish standards and a legal basis for information that should be given to the suspect in the initial phase of police investigations. Finally a model has been developed for an EU-wide Letter of Rights.
    €86.00 incl. VAT
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  9. Corruption & Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    Corruption & Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Martine Boersma, Hans Nelen
    This book offers the reader a broader view of the human rights approach towards combating corruption - including the arguments of those who oppose this approach - while it also considers how corruption may violate individual civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights.
    €68.00 incl. VAT
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  10. Male captus bene detentus?

    Male captus bene detentus?

    Surrendering suspects to the International Criminal Court
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Christophe Paulussen
    The infamous abduction of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina on 11 May 1960 and the recent kidnapping of suspected terrorist Abu Omar in Italy on 17 June 2003 show that the use of irregular means was and is still considered an option in apprehending suspects, especially when the interests are (considered to be) strong. This study’s central question is how the ICC currently copes with the dilemmas that a male captus case can give rise to and how this approach is to be assessed.
    €148.00 incl. VAT
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  11. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 21

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 21

    The Special Court for Sierra Leone 2004-2006
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
    Contributors: Gissou Azarnia, Gideon Boas, Miranda Boone, Anne-Marie de Brouwer, Pedro Caeiro, Thom Dieben, Erica Finkle, Stijn Franken, Håkan Friman, Zoe Konstantopoulou, Miguel Ângelo Lemos, Marc Mackarel, Michael Moesenthin, Hadassa Noorda, John O’Dowd, Göran Sluiter and Tjarda van der Spoel.
    €215.00 incl. VAT
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  12. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 19

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 19

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 2003-2004
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
    Contributors: André de Hoogh, Micaela Frulli, Desi Stoichkova, Menno Dolman, Göran Sluiter, Ruth Kok,Els Dinjens, Jan Fermon, Mohamed M. El Zeidy, Megan Fairlie, Karel de Meester, Ola Olusanya, Alexander Zahar, Christine Byron, Max du Plessis, Stefano Manacorda, Gerard de Jonge and Roman Graf
    €215.00 incl. VAT
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  13. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 23

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 23

    The International Criminal Court 2005-2007
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | André Klip, Göran Sluiter
    Contributors: Denis Abels, Kai Ambos, Cécile Aptel, Amir Cengic, Annelisa Ciampi, Annemarie De Brouwer, Karel de Meester, Håkan Friman, Marc Groenhuijsen, Dov Jacobs, Erik Kok, Guénaël Mettraux, Ioannis Naziris, Astrid Reisinger, Lela Scott, Sergey Vasiliev, Alexander Zahar and Salvatore Zappala
    €215.00 incl. VAT
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  14. Fusion Centres Throughout Europe

    Fusion Centres Throughout Europe

    All-Source Threat Assessments in the Fight Against Terrorism
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Vast Comité I
    This book collects contributions from European countries that have created ‘fusion centres’ or that have attributed the ‘all-source threat assessment’ assignment to an existing body. The result paints a specific and valuable picture and gives a unique insight into the way integrated analyses are produced, not in the least because all contributions were written by people from within the fusion centres; not by outsiders.
    €63.00 incl. VAT
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  15. International Law Aspects of the EU's Security and Defence Policy

    International Law Aspects of the EU's Security and Defence Policy

    With a Particular Focus on the Law of Armed Conflict
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Frederik Naert
    This book combines an insight into the legal aspects of operations conducted as part of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) of the EU with an analysis of the status and obligations of international organizations under international law and applies the findings thereof to the law of armed conflict and human rights in relation to ESDP operations.
    €143.00 incl. VAT
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