Public and administrative law 108 results
Administrative cooperation in the European Space
Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe | Emilie Chevalier, Mariolina Eliantonio, Rui Tavares LanceiroL'ouvrage offre une perspective inédite de la coopération administrative dans l’espace administratif européen, abordant la question de ses acteurs, ses instruments et ses enjeux.
€72.00 incl. VAT -
European Energy Law Report XV
Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine BanetThis volume is divided into the following parts: ‘Internal Energy Market and Climate Change: Judicial and Legislative Developments’, ‘Energy Suppliers and the Energy Supply Chain’, ‘Energy Relations between the EU and Third Countries’ and ‘Energy Systems and System Security’.
€185.00 incl. VAT -
Rethinking Environmental Law
Connectivity, Intersections and Conflicts in the Global Environmental CrisisBook | 1st edition 2024 | World | Endrius Cocciolo, Jordi Jaria-Manzano, Aitana De la Varga, Maria Marques-BanqueThis book explores the current evolution of environmental law, focusing on connectivity, conflicts, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
€80.00 incl. VAT -
Social and Scientific Uncertainties in Environmental Law
Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Tilak Ginige, Iain Green, Patrick Van Calster, Alain Simons, Joseph McMullenThis book explores the impact of uncertainties and the interplay between environmental law and science.
€89.00 incl. VAT -
Dicey + 100
Albert Venn Dicey: A Centennial CommemorationBook | 1st edition 2024 | Andrew Dickinson, Timothy Endicott, Wolfgang ErnstMarking the centenary of the death of Albert Venn Dicey, this book addresses Dicey’s work and its continued influence today from a variety of perspectives.
€89.00 incl. VAT -
Climate Change Litigation in Europe
Regional, Comparative and Sectoral PerspectivesBook | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Ivano Alogna, Carole Billet, Matteo Fermeglia, Alina HolzhausenThis book addresses the most topical issues related to climate change litigation in Europe. It unpacks the substantive and procedural dimensions of ongoing climate change litigation before domestic and supranational courts and the prospective avenues for future climate change litigation.
€119.00 incl. VAT -
Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the African Regional Human Rights System
Book | 1st edition 2023 | Angelika Nussberger, David LandauThis book includes a general report and a series of special national reports that discuss trends in the judicial enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights worldwide.€229.00 incl. VAT -
The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Angelika Nussberger, David LandauThis book includes a general report and a series of special national reports that discuss trends in the judicial enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights worldwide.€240.00 incl. VAT -
Fiscal Policies to Mitigate Climate Change
Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Marilyne SadowskyTaxation is a tool for guiding behaviour, which makes it possible to best preserve the environment and the world’s natural resources for future generations. This book shows, based on an analysis of 30 different countries, how taxation can play a decisive role in climate change mitigation.€207.00 incl. VAT -
The Crisis of Liberal Democracy
Diagnostics and TherapiesBook | 1st edition 2023 | World | George Katrougalos, Bertrand MathieuThis book brings together specialists from more than 20 countries and focuses on the institutional, political, economic and social factors which determine the crisis of liberal democracies.€183.00 incl. VAT -
Administrative Silence
Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Pedro AberasturyThis book is a comparative study of the topic of administrative silence, also known as formal inactivity of the administration. It provides an overview of the topic and explores how it is recognised and applied within 21 jurisdictions around the world.€176.00 incl. VAT -
The Power Distribution System Operator under EU, Belgian and Dutch Law
Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Simon VanhoveThis book analyses the new and emerging role of the electricity distribution system operator (DSO) in the energy transition. Another major contribution of this book is to advance the concept of private energy law. It thus proposes a different analytical lens than is usually used. Starting from an analysis of EU energy law, this book examines national implementation in Belgium and the Netherlands.
€136.00 incl. VAT -
Lawyer Roles in Knowledge Work
Defender, Enabler, InvestigatorBook | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Petter Gottschalk, Christopher HamertonThis book provides the first thorough examination of the concept of lawyer roles in knowledge work, offering a detailed comparative exploration and analysis of the globalized legal services industry in terms of individual and corporate professional functions.€93.00 incl. VAT -
Comparing Online Legal Education
Past, Present and FutureBook | 1st edition 2023 | World | Luke Nottage, Makoto IbusukiThis is a pioneering study comparing university-level and professional online legal education across 13 jurisdictions from the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and beyond before and especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. The book examines developments in legal professions and traditions, university funding and ICT infrastructure.€124.00 incl. VAT -
The Right to Mental Health
A Human Rights ApproachBook | 1st edition 2023 | World | Natalie AbrokwaThe book demonstrates that the existing right to the highest attainable standard of health is inadequate to fully promote and protect the right to mental health, particularly regarding access to quality mental healthcare. Relevant additional human rights in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are examined to address these shortcomings.€110.00 incl. VAT -
Constitutional law of Poland
Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Anna Rytel-WarzochaPresenting the main principles as well as the fundamental rules of Polish constitutional law and its relationship with European law, this book allows to discover and understand the specificities of the constitutional history of Poland within the European Union.
€89.00 incl. VAT -
Children's Rights and Food Marketing
State Duties in Obesity PreventionBook | 1st edition 2022 | United Kingdom | Katharina O CathaoirThis book provides a thorough account of states' obligations to prevent childhood obesity under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, focusing on restricting unhealthy food marketing to children. It also examines state obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights and EU law.€107.00 incl. VAT -
Les principes des contrats publics en Europe / Principles of public contracts in Europe
Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Stéphane de La Rosa, Patricia Valcarcel FernandezL'ouvrage présente, dans une perspective de droit européen et comparé, l'ensemble des principes qui gouvernent la préparation, la passation et l'exécution des contrats publics en Europe.€132.00 incl. VATStudent price: €45.00 -
Droits de propriété environnementaux / Property rights for the environment
Book | 1st edition 2022 | World | Max FalqueDes contributions sur le rôle des droits de propriété pour la protection de l’environnement comme alternatives aux réglementations publiques. Papers on the role of property rights for environmental protection as an alternative to public regulations.€114.00 incl. VAT -
Handbook of European Environmental and Climate Law
Book | 2nd edition 2021 | Europe | Patrick ThieffryThis handbook proposes an introduction to the EU’s Environmental and Climate Law. It is thus primarily intended for students, legal practitioners and environment-specialized engineers and other technicians.€93.00 incl. VAT