Environmental and energy law 40 results
European Energy Law Report XV
Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine BanetThis volume is divided into the following parts: ‘Internal Energy Market and Climate Change: Judicial and Legislative Developments’, ‘Energy Suppliers and the Energy Supply Chain’, ‘Energy Relations between the EU and Third Countries’ and ‘Energy Systems and System Security’.
€185.00 incl. VAT -
Rethinking Environmental Law
Connectivity, Intersections and Conflicts in the Global Environmental CrisisBook | 1st edition 2024 | World | Endrius Cocciolo, Jordi Jaria-Manzano, Aitana De la Varga, Maria Marques-BanqueThis book explores the current evolution of environmental law, focusing on connectivity, conflicts, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
€80.00 incl. VAT -
Social and Scientific Uncertainties in Environmental Law
Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Tilak Ginige, Iain Green, Patrick Van Calster, Alain Simons, Joseph McMullenThis book explores the impact of uncertainties and the interplay between environmental law and science.
€89.00 incl. VAT -
Climate Change Litigation in Europe
Regional, Comparative and Sectoral PerspectivesBook | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Ivano Alogna, Carole Billet, Matteo Fermeglia, Alina HolzhausenThis book addresses the most topical issues related to climate change litigation in Europe. It unpacks the substantive and procedural dimensions of ongoing climate change litigation before domestic and supranational courts and the prospective avenues for future climate change litigation.
€119.00 incl. VAT -
Fiscal Policies to Mitigate Climate Change
Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Marilyne SadowskyTaxation is a tool for guiding behaviour, which makes it possible to best preserve the environment and the world’s natural resources for future generations. This book shows, based on an analysis of 30 different countries, how taxation can play a decisive role in climate change mitigation.€207.00 incl. VAT -
The Power Distribution System Operator under EU, Belgian and Dutch Law
Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Simon VanhoveThis book analyses the new and emerging role of the electricity distribution system operator (DSO) in the energy transition. Another major contribution of this book is to advance the concept of private energy law. It thus proposes a different analytical lens than is usually used. Starting from an analysis of EU energy law, this book examines national implementation in Belgium and the Netherlands.
€136.00 incl. VAT -
Droits de propriété environnementaux / Property rights for the environment
Book | 1st edition 2022 | World | Max FalqueDes contributions sur le rôle des droits de propriété pour la protection de l’environnement comme alternatives aux réglementations publiques. Papers on the role of property rights for environmental protection as an alternative to public regulations.€114.00 incl. VAT -
Handbook of European Environmental and Climate Law
Book | 2nd edition 2021 | Europe | Patrick ThieffryThis handbook proposes an introduction to the EU’s Environmental and Climate Law. It is thus primarily intended for students, legal practitioners and environment-specialized engineers and other technicians.€93.00 incl. VAT -
Environmental Loss and Damage in a Comparative Law Perspective
Book | 1st edition 2021 | United Kingdom | Barbara Pozzo, Valentina JacomettiThis book analyzes the legal issues arising from and relating to environmental loss and damage. It does so from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective, examining both public and private law aspects. It takes into consideration specific legal issues concerning liability, compensation and restoration of damage in different sectors and jurisdictions.€149.00 incl. VAT -
Arbitration and Protection of Investments in Energy and Infrastructure Sectors
Book | 1st edition 2020 | World | Guy BlockA review of recent awards related to investment protection in the Energy and Infrastructure sectors. To which extent a Host State is entitled to "change" its law and what are the limits of the protected "acquired rights" of a foreign investor?€109.00 incl. VAT -
La mobilité urbaine / Urban Mobility
Publication des actes du colloque de TrèvesBook | 1st edition 2020 | World | David Renders, Jacqueline Morand-Deviller, Willy SpannowskyPour son 12e colloque biennal, organisé à Trèves les 20 et 21 septembre 2019, l’Association internationale de droit de l’urbanisme s’est intéressée à l’important thème de la mobilité urbaine. Cet ouvrage constitue les actes de ce colloque.€180.00 incl. VAT -
Contract and Property with an Environmental Perspective
Book | 1st edition 2020 | United Kingdom | Siel Demeyere, Vincent SagaertThis book includes the conference proceedings of a conference in September 2019. The Institute for Property Law of the University of Leuven had the opportunity to welcome numerous authoritative legal scholars to debate on the impact of sustainability challenges on the crossroads between contract and property. The contributions in this book are on the one hand, careful analyses of national laws, and on the other hand, more general views on the interplay between property law and sustainability.€81.00 incl. VAT -
Towards a Sustainable Human Right to Water
Supporting vulnerable people and protecting water resourcesBook | 1st edition 2019 | United Kingdom | Daphina MisiedjanTowards a Sustainable Human Right to Water is a timely examination of a critical and time-sensitive subject in the field of human rights law. The book poses the critical question how the concept of sustainable development can contribute to the sustainable realisation of the human right to water for vulnerable people. It takes a three step approach in providing an answer to this fundamental question of our time.€87.00 incl. VAT -
Patrimoine architectural, sites et paysages saisis par le droit de l'urbanisme / Architecturical …
Book | 1st edition 2018 | World | Judith Gifreu Font, Jacqueline Morand-DevillerThis book intends to address the instruments and techniques of heritage protection and its formulas in Spain and other countries, in order to obtain an adequate comparative vision.€187.00 incl. VAT -
Interlaw Book on Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Wastes
Worldwide ReviewBook | 1st edition 2018 | World | Guy BlockNuclear Energy and Waste book is the second collaborative Energy Law publication from Interlaw. It includes a technical report and an overview of nuclear energy sector in different states.€157.00 incl. VAT -
The Law of the River
Transboundary River Basin Management and Multi-Level Approaches to Water Quantity ManagementBook | 1st edition 2018 | United Kingdom | Cathy SuykensThe main focus of this book is on water quantity management, specifically floods, scarcity and droughts. The relevant EU requirements for water quantity management in transboundary waters and the way these have been implemented in a specific river basin in the EU, the Scheldt, are scrutinized. Moreover, a case study of the river basin mechanism governing the Delaware River in the United States has been conducted with the aim of identifying lessons learned for the EU. The key theme running through the book is based on the social-ecological resilience theory and the water security paradigm.€81.00 incl. VAT -
Procedural Environmental Rights
Principle X in Theory and PracticeBook | 1st edition 2018 | United Kingdom | Jerzy Jendroska, Magdalena Bar'Procedural Environmental Rights: Principle X in Theory and Practice' provides an overview of various aspects of the current status, development and practice of rights of access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters following their codification as non-binding principles in Principle X of the Rio Declaration.€107.00 incl. VAT -
European Energy Law Report XI
Book | 1st edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Martha Roggenkamp, Catherine BanetThis volume includes chapters on “EU Energy and Climate Law – Policy and Jurisprudence”, “Energy and Climate Treaty Developments”, “Energy Infrastructure Developments: Offshore Electricity Systems and Network Investments”, “Heat Supply Legislation in the EU” and “Security of Energy Supply and Safety”.€185.00 incl. VAT -
The Effectiveness of Environmental Law
Book | 1st edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Sandrine Maljean-DuboisThe central topic of this book is the effectiveness of environmental law. It offers a fruitful and stimulating dialogue between practitioners and academics, from varied countries and varied fields, combining empirical and theoretical approaches to the topic.€90.00 incl. VAT -
Energy Transitions
Regulatory and Policy TrendsBook | 1st edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Sirja-Leena Penttinen, Ioanna MersiniaEnergy Transitions: Regulatory and Policy Trends highlights the recent developments in EU energy law and underlying policy aspects that shape the regulatory approach to energy.€114.00 incl. VAT