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Contemporary Challenges to the Teaching of Comparative Law

Ceremony of 16 May 2022 in Honour of 5 Great Comparatists

Book | 1st edition 2023 | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Alexandre Senegacnik

Le 16 mai 2022, l'Académie internationale de droit comparé a, pour la seconde fois, rendu hommage à cinq grand(e)s comparatistes. Près de 200 personnes du monde entier ont assisté à l'événement. Les noms des illustres comparatistes sont connus de tous ceux qui ont déjà foulé le magnifique terrain du droit comparé : Ewoud Hondius des Pays-Bas, Esin Örücü de la Turquie et du Royaume-Uni, Vernon V Palmer des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Jorge Sánchez Cordero du Mexique et Elisabeth Zoller de France. Pour l’occasion, les grand(e)s comparatistes ont été invité(e)s à donner leurs visions sur les défis contemporains de l'enseignement du droit comparé. Cet ouvrage contient les différents éloges prononcés en l’honneur des cinq comparatistes ainsi que leur contribution à la table ronde.
Avec laudatios par Sue Farran (Royaume-Uni), Mariachiara Malaguti (Italie), Wanda Mastor (France), Joël Monéger (France) et Barbara Pozzo (Italie).

On 16 May 2022, the International Academy of Comparative Law paid tribute, for the second time, to five great comparatists. Almost 200 people from all around the world attended the event. The names of the outstanding comparatists are well known by anyone who has ever set foot in the magnificent field of comparative law: Ewoud Hondius from the Netherlands, Esin Örücü from Turkey and the United Kingdom, Vernon V Palmer from the United States, Jorge Sánchez Cordero from Mexico and Elisabeth Zoller from France. On this occasion, they were asked to give their visions about the contemporary challenges of the teaching of comparative law. This book contains the laudation speeches for the five comparatists as well as their final contributions in the roundtable.
With laudatios by Sue Farran (the United Kingdom), Mariachiara Malaguti (Italy), Wanda Mastor (France), Joël Monéger (France) and Barbara Pozzo (Italy).

Katharina Boele-Woelki, Ancienne Présidente de l’Académie / Former President of the Academy
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Ancien Secrétaire général de l’Académie / Former Secretary-General of the Academy
Alexandre Senegacnik, Secrétaire général adjoint de l’Académie / Deputy Secretary-General of the Academy

Technical info
More Information
Type of product Book
Format Hardback
EAN / ISSN 9781839703553 / 9781839704147
Series name Ius Comparatum
Weight 400 g
Status Available
Number of pages xxii + 98 p.
Access to exercice No
Publisher Intersentia
Language English
Publication Date Aug 7, 2023
Available on Strada Belgique No
Available on Strada Europe No
Available on Strada Luxembourg No


  • Table of Contents and Preliminary Pages
  • Contribution á la Table Ronde/Contribution to the Roundtable
  • Éloge/Laudatio
  • Remerciements/Acknowledgements
  • Contribution á la Table Ronde/Contribution to the Roundtable
  • Éloge/Laudatio
  • Remerciements/Acknowledgements
  • Contribution á la Table Ronde/Contribution to the Roundtable
  • Éloge/Laudatio
  • Remerciements/Acknowledgements
  • Contribution á la Table Ronde/Contribution to the Roundtable
  • Éloge/Laudatio
  • Remerciements/Acknowledgements
  • Contribution á la Table Ronde/Contribution to the Roundtable
  • Éloge/Laudatio
  • Remerciements/Acknowledgements