New releases 47 results

47 results

  1. NATO and International Institutional Law

    NATO and International Institutional Law

    Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Anne Verhelst

    Explore how NATO has evolved over 75 years, expanding membership and capabilities while facing complex security challenges. The author provides valuable insights into the organization's legal landscape. An invaluable resource for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners seeking to navigate the intersection of international law and security.

    €140.00 incl. VAT
  2. European Citizenship through the Lens of EU Values

    European Citizenship through the Lens of EU Values

    Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Gaëlle Marti

    In the wake of the Convention on the Future of Europe, and against the backdrop of the many challenges facing the EU (security, economic, migration, health, climate, digital, etc.), this book aims to take stock of the scope and content of European citizenship and its capacity to embody the values of the Union.

    €70.00 incl. VAT
  3. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 75

    Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 75

    The Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) 26 April 2017 – 24 December 2020
    Book | 1st edition 2025 | World | André Klip, Steven Freeland

    The seventy-fifth volume of the Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals contains the most important decisions taken by the KSC from 26 April 2017 – 24 December 2020. It provides the reader with the full text of the decisions identical to the original version and including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions. Distinguished experts in the field of international criminal law have commented on these decisions.

    €215.00 incl. VAT
  4. European Energy Law Report XV

    European Energy Law Report XV

    Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine Banet

    This volume is divided into the following parts: ‘Internal Energy Market and Climate Change: Judicial and Legislative Developments’, ‘Energy Suppliers and the Energy Supply Chain’, ‘Energy Relations between the EU and Third Countries’ and ‘Energy Systems and System Security’.

    €185.00 incl. VAT
  5. Restricting Liberty to Prevent Terrorism

    Restricting Liberty to Prevent Terrorism

    The Belgian and the UK Approaches to Direct Restrictions to the Right to Liberty to Prevent Terrorism
    Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Ward Yperman

    This book explores counterterrorism measures in Belgium and the UK, focusing on rights to liberty in the wake of European terrorist attacks during the first two decades of the century. Delve into legal frameworks, case studies, and recommendations for aligning Belgian legislation with European human rights standards.

    €160.00 incl. VAT
  6. Transitional Justice, Impunity and the Judicialization of Politics

    Transitional Justice, Impunity and the Judicialization of Politics

    Book | 1st edition 2025 | Europe, United Kingdom | Michael Humphrey, Estela Valverde

    A unique approach of this book is to use comparative case studies of political transitions in Uruguay, Lebanon, Spain, Kenya and Colombia to illustrate the historical development of transitional justice which gradually extended the reach of international human rights law to manage political transitions, thereby limiting impunity. Through these case studies, the book shows how transitional justice intervention has been shaped by distinct histories of conflict, elite pactism and transitional jurisprudence.

    €125.00 incl. VAT
  7. Definition of Insolvency

    Definition of Insolvency

    Proposals for Harmonisation in the European Union
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | World | Reinhard Bork, Michael Veder, Ben Schuijling

    Definition of Insolvency: Proposals for Harmonisation in the European Union presents the results of a research project on the harmonisation of the term “insolvency” in European instruments (Regulations and Directives). It consists of a report on the "definition of insolvency", questionnaires on the national laws of the EU Member States (and the UK), and impact assessments on the implementation of the harmonisation proposal in the laws of the Member States.

    €169.00 incl. VAT
  8. Forcible Protection of Civilians

    Forcible Protection of Civilians

    The International Legal Framework for Peace Operations
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Hanna Bourgeois

    Discover essential insights into the international legal framework for protecting civilians in peace operations with 'Forcible Protection of Civilians.' This analysis explores legal bases, UN mandates, and the interplay between mandates and human rights/international humanitarian law. Ideal for scholars and practitioners, this resource tackles complex legal nuances surrounding the use of force to ensure civilian safety in peace operations.

    €160.00 incl. VAT
  9. Law of Public-Private Cooperation against Financial Crime

    Law of Public-Private Cooperation against Financial Crime

    Developing Information Sharing to Counter Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Benjamin Vogel, Eleni Kosta, Maxime Lassalle

    To detect money laundering and terrorism financing, governments and financial institutions across the EU are increasingly seeking to collaborate by sharing information with one another. A pioneering work on this topic, the book explores the applicable legal framework and offers guidance to ensure effectiveness and guarantee respect for fundamental rights.   

    €199.00 incl. VAT
  10. Legal Aspects of Contracts and Third Parties

    Legal Aspects of Contracts and Third Parties

    On Third-Party Rights, Transfer of Rights, Agency and Contracts
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Jan Biemans, Lorna Richardson

    This volume discusses the position of third parties in relation to contracts in a comparative context, focusing on third-party clauses in contracts, transfer of contractual rights after transfer of property and assignment, principal–agent relations in concluding and performing contracts, and creditor protection (actio Pauliana).

    €149.00 incl. VAT
  11. Sanctions By and Against International Organizations

    Sanctions By and Against International Organizations

    Common Issues and Current Developments
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | World | Giovanna Adinolfi, Alessandra Lang, Chiara Ragni

    This book engages with the use of sanctions by and against international organizations from the perspective of international and European Union law. It explores the rationale, legal status and implications of sanctions, untangling the complex relationship between international organizations, member States and non-member States.

    €110.00 incl. VAT
  12. The Revival of the Rule of Law Issue

    The Revival of the Rule of Law Issue

    Book | 1st edition 2024 | World | Marek Safjan

    The rule of law is one of the most important topics discussed both in the legal community and in wider society. This book presents dozens of reports on the situation in various European and non-European legal systems. It answers questions about the conditions for ensuring the rule of law and about the risks and challenges faced by the democratic state of law today.

    €199.00 incl. VAT
  13. Property Law Reform, Sustainability and the Commons

    Property Law Reform, Sustainability and the Commons

    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Vincent Sagaert, Dorothy Gruyaert, Marie-Laure Degroote, Kato De Schepper, Vincent Janssen, Flore Vavourakis

    This book is the outcome of the international conference ‘Property law reform, sustainability and the commons’, which was hosted by the Institute for Property Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of KU Leuven in March 2023. The occasion of this conference was the holistic and innovative Belgian property law reform, which is part of the larger establishment of a brand new Belgian Civil Code. The goal of the conference, and hence of the book, was to engage with (both junior and more senior) property law experts from different legal systems to critically assess this Belgian property law reform from an international perspective by comparing it to other, recent and not so recent, property law reforms.

    €160.00 incl. VAT
  14. European Contract Law in a Changed Banking and Financial Architecture

    European Contract Law in a Changed Banking and Financial Architecture

    Stability Design, the Common Good, and Private Party Participation
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe, United Kingdom | Stefan Grundmann, Pietro Sirena

    The EU Banking Union as outstanding regulatory regime in the 2010s influences private parties’ contract law –with claims against authorities, on markets with two new mega-trends. Firstly, the common good imposes itself much more against private gains. Secondly, private parties are more involved in responsibilities for the system and with claims based on it.

    €115.00 incl. VAT