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Pre-trial detention

Human rights, criminal procedural law and penitentiary law, comparative law

Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Piet van Kempen, Piet Hein van Kempen

It is estimated that in the course of a year approximately 10 million people will pass through pre-trial detention. Although no adequately functioning criminal justice system can presently do entirely without detaining any suspects, pre-trial detention thus remains problematic in the context of human rights, the detainee’s family and society. This volume therefore offers a wide variety of topics that are relevant to pre-trial detention. Themes discussed are, for instance: developments that affect the application of pre-trial detention; relevant international and national human rights standards as well as monitoring systems; pre-trial detention of specific groups, and alternatives to pre-trial detention. Moreover, this volume contains chapters on 21 individual countries from around the world. On the basis of these, this volume not only examines whether and how international human rights standards on detention are influencing national law and practice, and the extent to which international norms are suitable to do so, it also intends to reveal strengths and weaknesses of domestic law systems as such.

L’on estime que chaque année, près de 10 millions de personnes feront l’objet d’une détention avant jugement. Si aucun système de justice pénale efficace ne peut totalement faire l’impasse sur la détention des suspects, la détention avant jugement reste problématique, tant dans l’optique des droits de l’homme que pour la famille du détenu et la société. Le présent volume aborde dès lors de nombreux sujets liés à la détention avant jugement. Sont évoqués entre autres thèmes : les développements qui affectent l’application de la détention avant jugement; les normes internationales et nationales des droits de l’homme pertinentes, ainsi que les mécanismes de contrôle; la détention avant jugement des groupes spécifiques et les alternatives à la détention avant jugement. Ce volume compte des chapitres consacrés à 21 pays individuels dans le monde entier. Le présent volume ne se limite donc pas à examiner si les normes internationales des droits de l’homme influencent le droit et la pratique nationale, si oui, dans quelle mesure, et en quoi ces normes sont adéquates pour ce faire, il tend également à mettre en avant les points forts et les points faibles des systèmes juridiques nationaux.

About this book
‘The strong human rights focus is an outstanding feature of this collection of essays. [the] study is worth reading - it provides valuable information, highly relevant and timely insights into foreign systems of pre-trial detention as well as the necessary comparative analysis based on a human rights approach. While some of the country chapters are rather descriptive and stick very much to the “law in books”, others provide valuable insights into their national law in action. Particularly when national data on pre-trial detention, the crucial jurisprudence and scientific studies are presented and analyzed the volume constitutes a rich source of information and a basis for further comparative research.’
Christine Morgenstern in Crime, Law and Social Change (2013) 343

Technical info
More Information
Type of product Book
Format Hardback
EAN / ISSN 9781780680682
Series name International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation
Weight 1505 g
Status Available
Number of pages xxx + 822 p.
Access to exercice No
Publisher Intersentia
Language English
Publication Date May 22, 2012
Available on Strada Belgique No
Available on Strada Europe No
Available on Strada Luxembourg No


  • Table of Contents
  • Pre-trial detention in national and international law and practice: a comparative synthesis and analyses
    Piet van Kempen
  • La détention avant jugement dans le droit national et international et la pratique : synthèse et analyses comparatives
    Piet van Kempen
  • De quelques éléments relatifs à la détention avant jugement : introduction générale
    Francis Casorla
  • The CPT and pre-trial detention in Europe
    Anton Van Kalmthout, Marije Knapen
  • Pre-trial detention from an Inspector of Prisons’ view
    Michael Reilly
  • Execution of pre-trial detention as regards women in Poland
    Lech Krzysztof Paprzycki, Jacek Pomiankiewicz
  • Electronic monitoring as an alternative to pre-trial detention
    Phillip Rapoza
  • The impact of the European Arrest Warrant on pre-trial detention policy
    Axel Boetticher
  • Pre-trial detention in the Argentine Republic
    Julio Enrique Aparicio, Roberto Patricio Ortenzi
  • La détention avant jugement en droit belge
    Vincent Seron
  • La détention avant jugement en Chine : de rien à la création, du retard au progrès
    Xiaowei Zhang
  • Pre-trial detention in Denmark
    William Rentzmann
  • Pre-trial detention, the treatment of terror suspects, and the Human Rights Act: a critical analysis of the position in England and Wales
    Stephen Shute, Paul David Mora
  • La détention avant jugement en droit français
    Jean Pradel
  • Pre-trial detention in Germany: factual reduction and legal confusion
    Johannes Feest
  • Pre-trial detention in Greece: the Achilles heel of the prison system
    Effi Lambropoulou
  • Pre-trial detention in Ireland
    Michael Mellett
  • La détention avant jugement en Italie
    Franco Della Casa
  • Pre-trial detention in Japan
    Kunihiro Matsuo
  • Pre-trial detention in the Netherlands: improvements are still mandatory
    Peter J.P. Tak
  • Pre-trial detention in New Zealand
    Warren Young
  • Pre-trial detention in Norway
    Anne Li Ferguson, Agnes Inderhaug, Nils Erik Lie
  • Pre-trial detention in Poland
    Lech Krzysztof Paprzycki, Jacek Pomiankiewicz
  • Pre-trial detention in Portugal
    Luís de Miranda Pereira
  • Pre-trial detention in South Africa: trial and error
    Deon van Zyl
  • Pre-trial detention in Spain: criminological notes on law and practice
    Cristina Guerra Pérez, José Luis Díez Ripollés
  • Pre-trial detention in Taiwan: an evolution without international conventions
    Jaw-perng Wang
  • La détention avant jugement en droit turc
    Duygun Yarsuvat, Emine Eylem Aksoy Rétornaz
  • Pre-trial detention in the United States of America: a multiple problem crisis
    Emilio C. Viano