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Principles of European Cooperative Law

Principles, Commentaries and National Reports

Book | 1st edition 2017 | Europe | Gemma Fajardo-García, Antonio Fici, Hagen Henrÿ, David Hiez, Deolinda A. Meira, Hans-H. Muenker, Ian Snaith
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The Principles of European Cooperative Law (PECOL) focus on the ‘ideal’ legal identity of cooperatives. Drafted by a team of legal scholars, the PECOL aim to describe the common core of European cooperative law. They are based on both existing cooperative law in Europe and the EU regulation on the societas cooperativa europaea. The Principles are accompanied by commentaries which illustrate the rationale and legislative background of each principle, and link them to the key features of cooperative identity. The PECOL are articulated into five chapters corresponding to the main aspects around which a cooperative’s identity may be structured, namely the purpose pursued, internal governance, financial structure, external control and cooperation among cooperatives. The second part of the book presents the national reports upon which the PECOL were based. The reports offer a detailed overview of the cooperative law of seven European jurisdictions (Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the UK), and thus provide a unique opportunity for law-makers, practitioners and researchers to compare, circulate and apply best practices of cooperative legislation.

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Technical info
More Information
Type of product Book
Format Paperback
EAN / ISSN 9781780684277 / 9781780686073
Weight 1180 g
Status Available
Number of pages xii + 722 p.
Access to exercice No
Publisher Intersentia
Language English
Publication Date Sep 13, 2017
Available on Strada Belgique No
Available on Strada Europe Yes
Available on Strada Luxembourg No


  • Table of Contents
    Gemma Fajardo-García, Antonio Fici, Hagen Henrÿ, David Hiez, Deolinda A. Meira, Hans-H. Muenker, Ian Snaith
  • Introduction
    David Hiez
  • Part I. Principles of European Cooperative Law and Commentaries
  • Chapter 1: Definition and Objectives of Cooperatives
    Antonio Fici
  • Chapter 2: Cooperative Governance
    Ian Snaith
  • Chapter 3: Cooperative Financial Structure
    Gemma Fajardo-García, Deolinda A. Meira
  • Chapter 4: Cooperative Audit
    Hans-H. Muenker
  • Chapter 5: Cooperation Among Cooperatives
    Hagen Henrÿ
  • Part II. National Reports
  • Chapter 6: Finland
    Hagen Henrÿ
  • Chapter 7: France
    David Hiez
  • Chapter 8: Germany
    Hans-H. Muenker
  • Chapter 9: Italy
    Antonio Fici
  • Chapter 10: Portugal
    Deolinda A. Meira
  • Chapter 11: Spain
    Gemma Fajardo-García
  • Chapter 12: United Kingdom
    Ian Snaith