Revue européenne de droit de la consommation
European Journal of Consumer Law

Consumer law is a an area of law that attracts attention in many ways. It is of interest to consumers, who wish to identify their rights and determine the procedures to be used to obtain protection. It is also of interest to companies that, in order to structure their operations, need to be aware of the rules regarding their relationships with consumers. It is also of interest to the institutions that are at the heart of development and ensure the implementation of consumer law.
The European Journal of Consumer Law (Revue européenne de droit de la consommation) is a leading scientific journal in the field of consumer law, and constitutes an essential doctrinal tool as well as a source of information concerning the evolution of consumer law in Europe and in the world.
Each year, we publish around three issues, comprising articles and case notes covering important developments in consumer protection, relations between businesses and consumers, and interactions between consumer law and other branches of law, both from the point of view of European Union law and in relation to non-EU countries.
Contributions are published in French or English.
To download the editorial guidelines, please click here.
Proposals for contributions, accompanied by a short abstract, should be sent to ejcl@larcier.com.
Your subscription will start with the publication of the first issue. It will be automatically sent to you as soon as it is available. The subscription covers the calendar year. It is automatically extended unless you cancel it before the end of the year.
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Type of product | Journal |
EAN / ISSN | 2566-2139 |
Status | Available |
Publisher | Larcier |
Language | English, French |
Available on www.thematax.be | No |
Available on tipsenadvies.be | No |
Available on astucesetconseils.be | No |
Per article use purchasing | Yes |

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2024/3
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Le consommateur citoyen, levier du développement durable ? Mythes et réalités – The Citizen Consumer, Lever of Sustainable Development? Myths and Realities" par Cyril Noblot & Véronique Chossat Noblot.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2024/2
Contient notamment le dossier / Contains among other the file: "Special issue / Representative actions".

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2024/1
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Data Protection and Unfair Competition – A European and German
Perspective" par / by Christian Alexander.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2023/3
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Plaumann et la nature de l’ordre juridique européen –
Plaumann and the Nature of the European Legal Order" par / by Paul Nihoul.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2023/2
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Informed Consumer or Informed Parties: Towards a General Information Duty?", by Pascal Pichonnaz.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2023/1
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "The national rules on hidden defects and European consumer law: marriage or divorce?", by Nicolas Carette and Thibaut Verhofstede.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2022/3
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Sustainability agreements in competition law – the fine line between consumers washing “green” and “greenwashing” cartels", M. Serafimova.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2022/2
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Prioritizing Rights: Envisaging Consumer Rights as Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights", A. Adams, H. Balnaves, J. Labban et D. Myrick.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2022/1
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Online business and the thin line between professional and private transactions", B. Devolder.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2021/3
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Vers une reformulation des obligations climatiques : la loi sur le devoir de vigilance redimensionne-t-elle la responsabilité climatique ?", M. Torre-Schaub.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2021/2
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Du marketing alimentaire confessionnel ou de l’étiquetage d’une norme religieuse : entre anathème et apostasie", D. Bianchi.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2021/1
Contient notamment / Contains among other: "Prestations touristiques et Covid-19 : réflexions en matière de droit international privé et comparé", V. Bumbaca.

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2020/3

Revue européenne de droit de la consommation - 2020/2