Consumer Competition Market (CCM) 4 results

Boeken in de CONSUMER COMPETITION MARKET SERIES bundelen de resultaten van onderzoeksactiviteiten van het instituut CONSUMER COMPETITION MARKET (CCM) van de KU Leuven, onder leiding van Wouter Devroe, Bert Keirsbilck en Evelyne Terryn. De reeks richt zich op de juridische infrastructuur van de interne markt van de Europese Unie in ruime zin. Zoals CCM zelf, behandelt de reeks op een geïntegreerde wijze het consumentenrecht, b2b en b2c handelspraktijkenrecht, sectorale marktregulering, de vier vrijheden (vrij verkeer van personen, goederen, personen, diensten en kapitaal) en mededinging (met inbegrip van EU- en nationale antitrustwetgeving, EU-concentratiecontrole en EU-staatssteunwetgeving).

The books in the CONSUMER COMPETITION MARKET SERIES bundle the results of research activities of the CONSUMER COMPETITION MARKET (CCM) institute of the KU Leuven, co-directed by Wouter Devroe, Bert Keirsbilck and Evelyne Terryn. The series focuses on the legal infrastructure of the internal market of the European Union in the broadest sense. Like CCM itself, the series deals in an integrated way with consumer law, B2B and B2C commercial practices law, sectoral market regulation, the four freedoms (free movement of persons, goods, services and capital) and competition (including EU and national antitrust law, EU merger control and EU state aid law)

4 results

  1. Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain

    Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain

    Implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/663 in the EU-27
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Elisa Paredis, Bert Keirsbilck, Evelyne Terryn, Tom Verdonk

    The EU's Directive (EU) 2019/633 aims to combat unfair trading practices in the agricultural sector. Through the Third UTP Roundtable (2023), experts assessed the Directive's implementation across Member States. Variations in enforcement approaches and legislative adjustments were scrutinized. This book includes preface, questionnaires, country reports, and conclusions on the UTP Directive's impact.

    €125.00 incl. VAT
  2. Unfair Trading Practices In The Food Supply Chain

    Unfair Trading Practices In The Food Supply Chain

    Implications of directive (EU) 2019/633
    Book | 1st edition 2020 | Europe | Bert Keirsbilck, Evelyne Terryn
    This book compiles the various papers presented at the ''2nd UTP Roundtable'' organized by the Consumer Market Competition (CCM) institute of the KU Leuven on 28 June 2018. It entails a critical analysis of the final text of the EU Directive, the current state of play and the different regulatory options at national level by 2021.
    €86.00 incl. VAT