International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation 4 results

The International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (IPPF) has a long history and can trace its roots back to 1872. It aims to promote studies in the field of the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders, especially by scientific research, publications, teaching and international colloquiums. The IPPF’s members are from around the world, are recognized experts in penal and penitentiary matters, and are either high judges, high officials of the prison system, or university professors. Recent publications of the IPPF regard, e.g., Prison policy and prisoners’ rights, Minorities and cultural diversity in prison, and the Implementation of prison sentences and aspects of security.

Les activités de la FIPP La Fondation internationale pénale et pénitentiaire (FIPP) est une institution vénérable dont les origines remontent à 1872. Elle vise à promouvoir les études dans le domaine de la prévention de la criminalité et le traitement des délinquants, plus particulièrement en menant des recherches scientifiques, en éditant des publications, des cours et par l’organisation de colloques internationaux. La FIPP compte des membres dans le monde entier, tous experts reconnus dans les matières pénale et pénitentiaire : hauts magistrats, hauts fonctionnaires du système pénitentiaire ou professeurs d’université. La FIPP a entre autres récemment publié Politiques pénitentiaires et droits des détenus, Minorités et diversité culturelle en prison, et L’exécution des sanctions privatives de liberté et les impératifs de la sécurité.

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4 results

  1. Overuse in the Criminal Justice System

    Overuse in the Criminal Justice System

    On Criminalization, Prosecution andÿImprisonmentÿ
    Book | 1st edition 2019 | United Kingdom | Piet van Kempen, Manon Jendly
    The criminal justice system encompasses the most severe instrument at the state's disposal in times of peace. For this and many other reasons, overuse of that system is a serious matter. Containing an extensive collection of expert knowledge, this volume intends to expose legal possibilities, good practices and the many challenges that lie ahead when attempting to prevent overuse in the criminal justice system.
    €124.00 incl. VAT
  2. Prevention of reoffending

    Prevention of reoffending

    The value of rehabilitation and the management of high risk offenders
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | United Kingdom | Piet van Kempen, Warren Young
    The need to prevent convicted prisoners and other offenders from reoffending constitutes a major challenge for both criminal justice and penitentiary systems. This volume therefore first of all focuses on the value of restoring offenders to a useful life from the perspective of prisoners, their family, society, the tax-payer, prison staff and administration and victims, as well as from a criminological viewpoint.
    €118.00 incl. VAT
  3. Pre-trial detention

    Pre-trial detention

    Human rights, criminal procedural law and penitentiary law, comparative law
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Piet van Kempen, Piet Hein van Kempen
    Although no adequately functioning criminal justice system can presently do entirely without detaining any suspects, pre-trial detention remains problematic in the context of human rights, the detainee’s family and society. This volume offers a wide variety of topics that are relevant to pre-trial detention: developments that affect the application of pre-trial detention; relevant international and national human rights standards as well as monitoring systems; pre-trial detention of specific groups, and alternatives to pre-trial detention.
    €174.00 incl. VAT