Public Law Collection 1 results

Deze reeks komt tot stand in samenwerking met het Centre for Public Law aan de KU Leuven en bundelt in de eerste plaats de resultaten van het onderzoek aan het Centrum.

U ontvangt bij intekening op een abonnement op de reeks 15% korting.

1 result

  1. The Power Distribution System Operator under EU, Belgian and Dutch Law

    The Power Distribution System Operator under EU, Belgian and Dutch Law

    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Simon Vanhove

    This book analyses the new and emerging role of the electricity distribution system operator (DSO) in the energy transition. Another major contribution of this book is to advance the concept of private energy law. It thus proposes a different analytical lens than is usually used. Starting from an analysis of EU energy law, this book examines national implementation in Belgium and the Netherlands. 

    €136.00 incl. VAT