Publications on Labour Law 1 results

The peer-reviewed series Publications on Labour Law, edited by the Research Group Social Competition and Law of Antwerp University, has a threefold objective: to spread high quality legal research; to raise the profile of the Research Group’s work; and to contribute to a consistent labour law.

By studying the corrective influence of labour law on the labour market, the constitutional emancipatory dimension and the homogenous analysis of legal phenomena, the series contributes to the preservation of a consistent protection based on labour law

Through information and explanation. the editorial board wishes to infuse the legislative, jurisprudential and doctrinal debate with an academic argument.
Editorial board: Jan Buelens, Daniël Cuypers, Johan Peeters, Kelly Reyniers, Marc Rigaux, Kim Van den Langenbergh and Anne Van Regenmortel.

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1 result

  1. From Labour Law to Social Competition Law?

    From Labour Law to Social Competition Law?

    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Europe | Marc Rigaux, Jan Buelens, Amanda Latinne
    Labour law is widely considered to be in crisis. The objective of this book is threefold. First of all, it draws attention to a number of phenomena and processes both within and outside the law that affect the protective mechanisms and essential functions of labour law. Secondly, the authors want to point out their main causes and principal consequences. Finally, the book reflects the remedies proposed by the authors to preserve the essential task of labour law.
    €54.00 incl. VAT