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The Young and the Elderly at Risk

Individual outcomes and contemporary policy challenges in European societies

Book | 1st edition 2015 | United Kingdom | Ioana Salagean, Catalina Lomos, Anne Hartung

Dedicated to Professor Jos Berghman (1949-2014)

The current retrenchment of the welfare states is buffering the growing demographic and economic pressures in European countries at the expense of the young and the elderly, and particular subgroups with intersecting high-risk characteristics. However, both investing in the young, which determines a society’s future, and providing public support for the elderly, the most deserving needy group, are seen as musts. This book encompasses selective studies addressing policies and institutional settings, individual outcomes and attitudes towards governmental responsibilities. Focusing on the young in its first part, the present book reveals the contribution of ethnic and social capital to educational outcomes, and the role of national and European policies in the transition from school to work, the duration of unemployment and the minimum income dependency of Europe’s youth. The second part of the book focuses on the elderly and discusses intersections with gender and ethnicity in old-age poverty, pension outcomes of mobile (cross-border) workers, the impact of the recent social security reforms and the possible outcomes of including financial assets and housing wealth in old-age income protection. The final chapters address the potential erosion of the solidarity towards the young and the elderly as a challenge for the European welfare states.

Empirical research, as it is presented in this book’s contributions, can add much to our understanding of how this social contract, and by extension also others, like the social contracts between the active and inactive, the healthy and the sick, and the rich and the poor, can be sustained, economically, politically, as well as socially.
Wim van Oorschot, Professor of Social Policy at KU Leuven and Honorary President of ESPAnet

Technical info
More Information
Type of product Book
Format Paperback
EAN / ISSN 9781780683430 / 9781780685656
Series name Social Europe Series
Weight 493 g
Status Available
Number of pages xx + 258 p.
Access to exercice No
Publisher Intersentia
Language English
Publication Date Dec 23, 2015
Available on Strada Belgique No
Available on Strada Europe No
Available on Strada Luxembourg No


  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    Ioana Salagean, Catalina Lomos, Anne Hartung
  • Chapter 1. Does Ethnic Capital Contribute to the Educational Outcomes of Individuals with Turkish Background in Europe?
    Sait Bayrakdar
  • Chapter 2. Young Adults at Risk in Germany: The Impact of Vocational Training on the Ethnic Gap at Labour Market Entry
    Anne Hartung
  • Chapter 3. Poverty among Elderly Immigrants in Belgium
    Line De Witte, Sofie Vanassche, Hans Peeters
  • Chapter 4. Integrating Life Course and Pension Policy Perspectives: The Case of Poverty Among Elderly Women
    Hans Peeters, Wouter De Tavernier
  • Chapter 5. Including Assets in Comparative Old-Age Poverty Research: How does It Change the Picture?
    Rika Verpoorten
  • Chapter 6. The Social and Budgetary Impacts of the Recent Social Security Reform in Belgium
    Gijs Dekkers, Raphaël Desmet, Nicole Fasquelle, Saskia Weemaes
  • Chapter 7. Cross-Border Social Security Coordination, Mobility of Labour and Pension Outcomes
    Irina Burlacu, Cathal O’Donoghue
  • Chapter 8. Do Self-Interest, Ideology and National Context Influence Opinions on Government Support for Childcare for Working Parents? A Multilevel Analysis
    Wouter De Tavernier
  • Chapter 9. Individual Attitudes Towards Welfare States Responsibility for the Elderly
    Nathalie Schuerman
  • Rejoinder: Is Intergenerational Solidarity under Pressure? Comparative Analyses of Age Cleavages in Opinions about Government Support for the Young and the Old
    Tim Reeskens, Wim Van Oorschot
  • Biographical notes